LC74401E, 74402, 74402E
1. When 1 Mb of VRAM is used
• Frame memory processing (FRM = high)
Dynamic images: Frame display (MUL = high, overrun phenomenon occurs)
Static images: Frame display
• Field memory processing (FRM = low, FILD = high)
Dynamic images: Field display (overrun phenomenon occurs)
Static images: Field display
NTSC/PAL (= main/sub)
The sub-screen size ratio (V) will be:
a : b : c : d: = 1 : 0.8 : 0.77 : 0.58
If b and c are used, the size change can be held to 5%.
2. When 256 kb of VRAM are used
Field memory processing (FRM = low, FILD = high)
Dynamic images: Field display (overrun phenomenon occurs)
Static images: Field display
Only one screen can be displayed.
No. 4872-9/19