Programmable PWM Controller
Applications Information
Circuit Description
The EL7571C is a fixed frequency, current mode, pulse
width modulated (PWM) controller with an integrated
high precision reference and a 5 bit Digital-to-Analog
Converter (DAC). The device incorporates all the active
circuitry required to implement a synchronous step
down (buck) converter which conforms to the Intel Pen-
tium® II VRM specification. Complementary switching
outputs are provided to drive dual NMOS power FET’s
in either synchronous or non-synchronous configura-
tions, enabling the user to realize a variety of high
efficiency and low cost converters.
A precision, temperature compensated band gap refer-
ence forms the basis of the EL7571C. The reference is
trimmed during manufacturing and provides 1% set
point accuracy for the overall regulator. AC rejection of
the reference is optimized using an external bypass
capacitor CREF.
Main Loop
A current mode PWM control loop is implemented in
the EL7571C (see block diagram). This configuration
employs dual feedback loops which provide both output
voltage and current feedback to the controller. The
resulting system offers several advantages over traditi-
tional voltage control systems, including simpler loop
design, pulse by pulse current limiting, rapid response to
line variaion and good load step response. Current feed-
back is performed by sensing voltage across an external
shunt resistor. Selection of the shunt resistance value
sets the level of current feedback and thereby the load
regulation and current limit levels. Consequently, opera-
tion over a wide range of output currents is possible. The
reference output is fed to a 5 bit DAC with step weigh-
ing conforming to the Intel VRM Specification. Each
DAC input includes an internal current pull up which
directly interfaces to the VID output of a Pentium® II
class microprocessor. The heart of the controller is a tri-
ple-input direct summing differential comparator, which
sums voltage feedback, current feedback and compen-
sating ramp signals together. The relative gains of the
comparator input stages are weighed. The ratio of volt-
age feedback to current feedback to compensating ramp
defines the load regulation and open loop voltage gain
for the system, respectively. The compensating ramp is
required to maintain large system signal system stability
for PWM duty cycles greater than 50%. Compensation
ramp amplitude is user adjustable and is set with a single
external capacitor (CSLOPE). The ramp voltage is
ground referenced and is reset to ground whenever the
high side drive signal is low. In operation, the DAC out-
put voltage is compared to the regulator output, which
has been internally attenuated. The resulting error volt-
age is compared with the compensating ramp and
current feedback voltage. PWM duty cycle is adjusted
by the comparator output such that the combined com-
parator input sums to zero. A weighted comparator
scheme enhances system operation over traditional volt-
age error amplifier loops by providing cycle-by-cycle
adjustment of the PWM output voltage, eliminating the
need for error amplifier compensation. The dominant
pole in the loop is defined by the output capacitance and
equivalent load resistance, the effect of the output induc-
tor having been canceled due to the current feedback. An
output enable (OUTEN) input allows the regulator out-
put to be disabled by an external logic control signal.
Auxiliary Comparators
The current feedback signal is monitored by two addi-
tional comparators which set the operating limits for the
main inductor current. An over current comparator ter-
minates the PWM cycle independently of the main
summing comparator output whenever the voltage
across the sense resistor exceeds 154mV. For a 7.5mΩ
resistor this corresponds to a nominal 20A current limit.
Since output current is continuously monitored, cycle-
by-cycle current limiting results. A second comparator
senses inductor current reverse flow. The low side drive
signal is terminated when the sense resistor voltage is
less than -5mV, corresponding to a nominal reverse cur-
rent of -0.67A, for a 7.5mΩ sense resistor. Additionally,
under fault conditions, with the regulator output over-