DATA TRANSFER AND OUTPUTS ACTIVAT- the half bridges are in tristate status 10.
ING (Figure 3)
The µC works always as master and the L9947
The half bridges of OUT1, OUT2 and OUT3 can Power Interface as slave. That means: the µC
be used with OUT4 to drive three bidirectional starts the communication between the Power In-
motors in full bridge configuration as shown in terface and itself with low transition at the CSN
fig.1 Only one motor can be driven in the same line. CSN = 0, R/WN= 0 the L9947 reads the data
time. The µC writes the corresponding word at the bus and execute the command as shown in
status 1 till 10 at the bus and latch it with a low tables 1,3,4 (write mode). The high slope of the
pulse in the L9947. So the motor is activated. To CSN stores the last command and execute it fur-
stop the motor it is useful to insert a braking ther. All inputs are disabled if CSN= 1.
phase (status 9). In the braking condition there So the bus can be used for another device. With
are all low side DMOS of the half bridges CSN = 0 and R/WN = 1 the L9947 writes the
switched-on in this case the flyback currents flows status of the diagnostic at the parallel bus until
through the low side switches instead of the intrin- CSN becomes high (table 2; status µ + 15) (read
sic diodes of the half bridges. After that, the half
bridges could be switched in tristate (T). The high
) side driver, OUT5 can be switched only when all
mode). The power outputs maintain the same
status as before.
t(s Figure 3: Signal sequence for data transfer to switch M1 right, read the output status, brake the motor
OObbssoolleettee PPrroodduucctt((ss)) -- OObbssoolleettee PPrroodduucct(s) and activate the standby mode.