Functional Description
The MIC2529-1 and MIC2529-2 are high-side power switches
with on-board voltage regulators. Switch fault conditions turn
off or inhibit turn-on of the output transistor, depending upon
the type of fault, and activate the open-drain error flag
transistor, making it sink current to ground.
Input and Output
IN (input) is the power supply connection to the logic circuitry,
drain of the output MOSFET, and the voltage regulator input.
3VOUT is the regulated 3.3V output. OUT (output) is the
source of the MOSFET switch. In a typical circuit current flows
through the switch from IN to OUT toward the load. Both OUT
pins must be connected together externally. If VOUT is greater
than VIN when a switch is disabled, current will flow from OUT
to IN when the switch is enabled since the switch is bidirec-
tional when enabled.
The output MOSFET and driver circuitry are also designed to
allow the MOSFET source to be externally forced to a higher
voltage than the drain (VOUT > VIN) when the output is off.
Thermal Shutdown
Thermal shutdown shuts off the switch and activates the flag
if the die temperature exceeds 135°C. 10°C of hysteresis
prevents the switch from turning on until the die temperature
drops to 125°C. Switch overtemperature detection functions
only when the switch is enabled. The internal LDO regulator
has a similar shutdown without flag output.
When an excessive load is applied to the switch output, the
MIC2529 will enter a thermal shutdown condition. As shown
in the “Electrical Characteristics” short-circuit response graphs,
the thermal time constant is about 640ms for the initial
condition. If the channel is not shut off, the output will go into
thermal oscillation with a frequency of about 20Hz. While this
will not damage the device, it is recommended that the port
is shut down prior to this occurring.
Switch Current Sensing and Limiting
The current limit threshold is preset internally. The preset
level prevents damage to the switch output MOSFET and
external load but allows a minimum current of 0.5A through
the switch output MOSFET.
The current limit circuit senses a portion of the output switch
(FET) current. The current sense resistor shown in the block
diagram is virtual and has no voltage drop. The reaction to an
overcurrent varies with three scenarios:
Switch Enabled into Short Circuit
If the switch is powered on or enabled into an excessive load
or short circuit, the switch current ramps up to a constant
current. The fault flag goes low until the load is reduced. See
the “Functional Characteristic: Short Circuit Response, En-
abled into Short Circuit” photo.
Short Circuit Applied to Outputs
When a heavy load or short circuit is applied to an enabled
switch, a large transient current will flow until the current limit
circuitry responds. Once this occurs, the device limits current
to less than the short circuit current specification. See “Func-
tional Characteristic: Short Circuit Response, Short Applied
to Output” graph.
Current-Limit Response
The MIC2529 current-limit profile exhibits a small foldback
effect of approximately 200mA. Once this current-limit thresh-
old is exceeded the device enters constant-current mode.
This constant current is specified as the short circuit current
limit in the “Electrical Characteristics” table. It is important to
note that the MIC2529 will deliver load current up to the
current-limit threshold. Refer to “Functional Characteristics:
Current-Limit Response” photo for details.
Fault Flag
FLG is an open-drain N-channel MOSFET output. The fault
flag is active (low) for one or more of the following switch
conditions: current limit or thermal shutdown. The flag output
MOSFET is capable of sinking a 10mA load to typically
100mV above ground. The flag does not indicate faults in the
LDO regulator.
June 1999