The RTS output signal is a general purpose, 1-bit inverting
output port. It can be set low by programming the appropriate
bit in the Command instruction word. The RTS output signal is
normally used for modem control such as Request To Send.
A low on this input enables the MA28151 to transmit serial
data if the Tx Enable bit in the Command byte is set to a high.
If either a Tx Enable off or CTS off condition occurs while the
Tx is in operation, the Tx will transmit all the data in the
USART, written prior to Tx disable command, before shutting
The Transmitter Buffer accepts parallel data from the Data
Bus Buffer, converts it to a serial bit stream, inserts the
appropriate characters or bits (based on the communication
technique) and outputs a composite serial stream of data on
the TxD output pin on the falling edge of TxC. The transmitter
will begin transmission upon being enabled if CTS = 0. The
TxD line will be held in the marking state immediately upon a
master Reset, or when Tx Enable or CTS = 1, or the
transmitter is empty.
automatically transmitted as fillers. TxEMPTY does not go low
when the SYNC characters are being shifted out.
The Transmitter Clock controls the rate at which the
character is to be transmitted. In the Synchronous
transmission mode, the Baud Rate (1x) is equal to the TxC
frequency. In Asynchronous transmission mode, the baud rate
is a fraction of the actual TxC frequency. A portion of the mode
instruction selects this factor; it can be 1,1/16 or 1/64 the TxC.
For Example:
If Baud Rate equals 110 Baud
TxC equals 110Hz in the 1x mode
TxC equals 1 72KHz in the 16x mode
TxC equals 7.04KHz in the 64x mode
The falling edge of TxC shifts the serial data out of the
The Receiver accepts serial data, converts the data to
parallel format, checks for bits or characters that are unique to
the communications techniques and sends an assembled
character to the CPU. Serial data is input to the RxD pin and is
clocked in on the rising edge of RxC.
The Transmitter Control manages all activities associated
with the transmission of serial data. It accepts and issues
signals both externally and internally to accomplish this
This output signals the CPU that the transmitter is ready to
accept a data character. The TxRDY output pin can be used as
an interrupt to the system since it is masked by TxEnable; or,
for Polled operation, the CPU can check TxRDY using a Status
Read operation. TxRDY is automatically reset by the falling
edge of DSN (with RDWN low) when a data character is
loaded from the CPU.
Note that when using the polled operation, the TxRDY
status bit is not masked by TxEnable, but will only indicate the
Empty/Full Status of the Tx Data input Register.
This functional block manages all receiver-related activities
which consist of the following features:
The RxD initialisation circuit prevents the MA28151 from
mistaking an unused input line for an active low data line in the
break condition. Before starting to receive serial characters on
the RxD line, a valid 1 must first be detected after a chip master
Reset. Once this has been determined, a search for a valid low
(start bit) is enabled. This feature is only active in the
asynchronous mode and is only done once for each master
The False Start bit detection circuit prevents false starts as
the result of a transient noise spike by first detecting the falling
edge and then strobing the nominal center of the Start bit (RxD
= low).
Parity error detection sets the corresponding status bit.
The Framing Error status bit is set if the Stop bit is absent
at the end of the data byte (asynchronous mode).
When the MA28151 has no characters to send, the
TxEMPTY output will go high. It resets upon receiving a
character from CPU if the transmitter is enabled. TxEMPTY
remains high when the transmitter is disabled. TxEMPTY can
be used to indicate the end of transmission mode, so that the
CPU can turn the line around in the half-duplex operational
In the Synchronous mode, a high on the TxEMPTY output
indicates that a character has not been loaded and the SYNC
character or characters are about to be or are being
This output indicates that the MA28151 contains a
character that is ready to be input to the CPU. RxRDY can be
connected to the interrupt structure of the CPU or, for polled
operation, the CPU can check the condition of RxRDY using a
Status Read operation. RxEnable, when off holds RxRDY in
the Reset Condition. For Asynchronous mode, to set RxRDY,
the Receiver must be enabled to sense a Start Bit and a
complete character must be assembled and transferred to the
Data Output Register. For Synchronous mode, to set RxRDY,