SDA 5642-6/X
2.2.4 Read Mode
For reading from the VPS decoder, the following format has to be used
Start Chipaddress Read Mode AS 1st Byte AM ..... Last Byte NAM Stop
The contents of up to 16 registers (bytes) can be read starting with byte 1 bit 7 (refer to
the table Order of Data Output on the I2C Bus and...) depending on the selected
operating mode.
Description of Data Transfer (Read Mode)
To start a data transfer the master generates a Start Condition on the bus by
pulling the SDA line low while the SCL line is held high. The byte address
counter in the decoder is reset and points to the first byte to be output.
Step 2: The bus master puts the chip address on the SDA line during the next eight
SCL pulses.
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5:
Step 6:
Step 7:
Step 8:
The master releases the SDA line during the ninth clock pulse. Thus the slave
can generate an acknowledge (AS) by pulling the SDA line to a low level. At
this moment, the slave switches to transmitting mode.
During the next eight clock pulses the slave puts the addressed data byte
onto the SDA line.
The reception of the byte is acknowledged by the master device which, in
turn, pulls down the SDA line during the next SCL clock pulse. By
acknowledging a byte, the master prompts the slave to increment its internal
address counter and to provide the output of the next data byte.
Steps no. 4 and no. 5 are repeated, until the desired amount of bytes have
been read.
The last byte is output by the slave since it will not be acknowledged by the
To conclude the read operation, the master doesn’t acknowledge the last byte
to be received. A No Acknowledge by the master (NAM) causes the slave to
switch from transmitting to receiving mode. Note that the master can
prematurely cease any reading operation by not acknowledging a byte.
Step 9:
The master gains control over the SDA line and concludes the data transfer
by generating a Stop Condition on the bus, i. e., by producing a low/high
transition on the SDA line while the SCL line is in a high state. With the SDA
and the SCL lines being both in a high state, the I2C Bus is free and ready for
another data transfer to be started.
Semiconductor Group