ICs for TV
s Electrical Characteristics at Ta = 25°C (continued)
Min Typ Max Unit
Synchronizing signal processing circuit
Horizontal free-running oscillation frequency
Horizontal output pulse duty cycle
Horizontal pull-in range
PAL vertical free-running oscillation
Without sync. signal input
15.33 15.63 15.93 kHz
Upward going pulse duty cycle
31 37 43 %
Difference from fH = 15.625 kHz ±500 ±650 Hz
Data 0E − D2 = 1, D3 = 0
48 50 52 Hz
Forced 50 Hz mode, no sync. signal input
NTSC vertical free-running oscillation fVO-N Data 0E − D2 = 1, D3 = 1
58 60 62 Hz
Forced 60 Hz mode, no sync. signal input
Vertical output pulse width
PAL vertical pull-in range
NTSC vertical pull-in range
Horizontal output voltage (high)
Horizontal output voltage (low)
Vertical output voltage (high)
Vertical output voltage (low)
Picture center variable range
τVO For both PAL/NTSC
9 10 11 1/fH
fVP-P fH = 15.625 kHz, forced 50 Hz mode 46 54 Hz
fVP-N fH = 15.75 kHz, forced 60 Hz mode
56 64 Hz
V56H High level DC voltage
3.2 3.5 3.8 V
V56L Low level DC voltage
0 0.3 V
V58H High level DC voltage
3.9 4.2 4.5 V
V58L Low level DC voltage
0 0.3 V
∆THC Change amount of phase difference 2.6 3.2 4.4 µS
between H Sync. and H-out of
Data 0A = 80 to 8F
Overvoltage protective operation voltage VXRAY Pin 55 minimum voltage at which 0.60 0.68 0.76 V
H-out stops to appear
Vertical frequency discrimination (50)
f50 Vertical frequency to become V57 47 55 Hz
= Low (< 0.5 V)
Vertical frequency discrimination (60)
f60 Vertical frequency to become V57 57 63 Hz
= High (> 4.5 V)
Sync. signal clamp voltage (Ver.)
V45 Clamp voltage of V45
1.0 1.3 1.6 V
Sync. signal clamp voltage (Hor.) V46 Clamp voltage of V46
1.0 1.3 1.6 V
Horizontal output start voltage
VfHS Minimum V50 to become f0 > 10 kHz, 3.4 4.2 5.0 V
when horizontal oscillation output
is 1 V[p-p] or more.
I2C interface
Sink current when ACK
IACK Maximum value of pin 21 sink
current at ACK
2.0 2.5 5.0 mA
SCL, SDA signal input high level VIHI
3.1 5.0 V
SCL, SDA signal input low level VILO
Maximum frequency allowable to input fImax
0.9 V