Heat conduction , (%)
Heat conduction, (%)
Time, (min)
Figure 11 – Time dependence of heat
conduction in still air
Time, (min)
Figure 12 – Time dependence of heat
conduction in agitated oil
Direct voltage, (V)
Direct current, (mА)
Figure 13 – Dependence of direct voltage on direct current
Information for application.
There is a simple technique of the device calibration for improving precision of
temperature measurement (see typical application circuits).
Calibration of the device occurs in one spot as the IC output voltage is proportional to absolute
temperature with sensor voltage extrapolation to 0 V at 0оК (-273,15оС). The errors in dependence
of output voltage on temperature are determined only by characteristic incline. Therefore bias
calibration at one temperature corrects errors in the whole temperature range. Output voltage of
calibrated or non calibrated circuit may be derived from the following equation:
where Т – unknown temperature;
ТО – reference temperature (in оК).
Nominally IC output calibrated to the value 10 mV/ оК.
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