SBS Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet
3 References
1. IEEE 802.3, “Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) Access
Method and Physical Layer Specifications”, Section 36.2, 1998.
2. A.X. Widmer and P.A. Franaszek, “A DC-Balanced, Partitioned-Block, 8B/10B Transmission
Code,” IBM Journal of Research and Development, Vol. 27, No 5, September 1983, pp 440-
3. U.S. Patent No. 4,486,739, P.A. Franaszek and A.X. Widmer, “Byte Oriented DC Balanced
(0,4) 8B/10B Partitioned Block Transmission Code,” December 4, 1984.
4. Telcordia - SONET Transport Systems: Common Generic Criteria, GR-253-CORE, Issue 2,
Revision 2, January 1999.
5. ITU, Recommendation G.707 - "Digital Transmission Systems – Terminal equipments -
General", March 1996.
6. ITU, Rec Recommendation O.151 – “Error Performance Measuring Equipment Operating at
the Primary Rate and Above", October 1992.
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Document ID: PMC-2000168, Issue 3