MSM66577 Family
6. Multifunction PWM
The family supports both 8- and 16-bit PWM operation.
Choosing between the time-base counter output or overflow from an 8-bit auto-reload timer as the PWM counter
clock source provides a wide number of possibilities over a broad frequency range. The 16-bit PWM configuration
supports a high-speed synchronization mode that generates a high-precision output signal with less ripple suitable
for digital-to-analog control applications.
7. Programmable pull-up resistors
Building the pull-up resistors into the chip contributes to overall design compactness.
Making them programmable on a per-bit basis allows complete flexibility in circuit board layout and system
design. These programmable pull-up resistors are available for all I/O pins not already assigned specific functions
(such as the oscillator connection pins).
8. Wide support for external interrupts
There are a total of nine interrupt channels for use in communicating with external devices: eight for maskable
interrupts and one for non-maskable interrupts.