Motor driver ICs
(6) Ripple cancellation circuit
The cancellation ratio of the torque ripple cancellation cir-
cuit (Fig. 10) can be adjusted by an external resistor con-
nected to pin 1. Select a suitable value by taking wow and
flutter into consideration.
The ripple cancellation ratio can be obtained in the fol-
lowing manner. With EC = 2.7V, the RNF value for the Hall
input of (H1), H2), H3)) = (L, L, H) is denoted as V1,
and the RNF value for the Hall input of (H1), H2), H3))
= (L, M, H) is denoted as V2. The ripple cancellation ratio
is then given by:
(V1)V2) / 2
100 (%)
(7) Brake pin
The brake pin threshold depends on the chip tempera-
ture as shown in Fig. 16. Make sure that your application
will work properly when using the IC at low or high tem-