2A 1-Cell Li+ DC-DC Charger for USB*
and Adapter Power
Table 1. External Components List for Figures 2 and 3
RPU (X4)
Input filter capacitor
VL filter capacitor
SYS output bypass capacitor
Battery bypass capacitor
Charger timing capacitor
Logic output pullup resistors
Negative TC thermistor
THM pullup resistor
DC input current-limit programming resistor
Fast-charge current programming resistor
DC input step-down inductor
4.7µF ceramic capacitor
1.0µF ceramic capacitor
10µF ceramic capacitor
10µF ceramic capacitor
0.15µF low TC ceramic capacitor
Phillips NTC thermistor, P/N 2322-640-63103, 0kΩ
±5% at +25°C
3kΩ ±1%, for 2A limit
1.2kΩ ±1%, for 1A charging
1µH inductor with ISAT > 2A
step-down output current programmed at IDC, maxi-
mum charger current programmed at ISET, and maxi-
mum die temperature. The feedback signal requiring
the smallest current controls the average output current
in the inductor. This scheme minimizes total power dis-
sipation for battery charging and allows the battery to
absorb any load transients with minimum system volt-
age disturbance.
If the battery voltage is below VSYSMIN, the charger
does not directly connect the system voltage to the bat-
tery. VSYS pin is held at a fixed point slightly above
VSYSMIN, and does not track the battery. The battery
charger independently controls the battery charging
current. VSYSMIN is set to 3.0V in the MAX8903A, for
other VSYSMIN values, please contact the factory.
After the battery charges to 50mV above VSYSMIN, the
system voltage is connected to the battery. The battery
fast-charge current then controls the step-down con-
verter to set the average inductor current so that both
the programmed input current limit and fast-charge cur-
rent limit are satisfied.
DC-DC Step-Down Control Scheme
A proprietary hysteretic current PWM control scheme
ensures fast switching and physically tiny external com-
ponents. The feedback control signal that requires the
smallest input current controls the center of the peak
and valley currents in the inductor. The ripple current is
internally set to provide 4MHz operation. When the
input voltage decreases near the output voltage, very
high duty cycle occurs and, due to minimum off-time,
4MHz operation is not achievable. The controller then
provides minimum off-time, peak current regulation.
Figure 4. SYS Tracking VBAT to the Minimum System Voltage
Similarly, when the input voltage is too high to allow
4MHz operation due to the minimum on-time, the con-
troller becomes a minimum on-time, valley current regu-
lator. In this way, ripple current in the inductor is always
as small as possible to reduce ripple voltage on SYS for
a given capacitance. The ripple current is made to vary
with input voltage and output voltage in a way that
reduces frequency variation. However, the frequency
still varies somewhat with operating conditions. See the
Typical Operating Characteristics.
DC Input—USB mode
When powering from DC with DCM set to logic-low, the
DC input is set to USB mode. The input current limit from
DC is then internally set to 500mA max if IUSB is high
and 100mA max if IUSB is low. For the 500mA case, the
DC input continues to operate as a step-down regulator
to minimize thermal heating. For the 100mA case, the
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