Photocouplers GaAs Infrared LED & Photo Transistor
1. Applications
• Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)
• Switching Power Supplies
• Simplex/Multiplex Data Transmission
2. General
The Toshiba TLP291-4 consists of phototransistors optically coupled to gallium arsenide infrared emitting diodes.
The TLP291-4 Photocoupler is housed in the very small and thin SO16 package.
Since the TLP291-4 is guaranteed over a wide operating temperature range (Ta = -55 to 110), it is suitable for
high-density surface mount applications such as programmable controllers.
3. Features
(1) Collector-emitter voltage: 80 V (min)
(2) Current transfer ratio: 50% (min)
GB Rank: 100% (min)
(3) Isolation voltage: 2500 Vrms (min)
(4) Operating temperature: -55 to 110
(5) Safety standards
UL-approved UL1577 File No.E67349
cUL-approved CSA Component Acceptance Service No.5A File No.E67349
VDE approved EN60747-5-2 Certificate No. 40009347 (Note)
Note: When an EN60747-5-2 approved type is needed, please designate the Option (V4).
4. Packaging and Pin Configuration
1, 3, 5, 7: Anode
2, 4, 6, 8: Cathode
9, 11, 13, 15: Emitter
10, 12, 14, 16: Collector
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