Sample Printed Circuit Pattern Cu foil-reduced board
[BTL Use 1]
[BTL Use 2]
Description of External Parts
C1 (C2) : Feedback capacitor. The low cutoff frequency is determined by the following formula.
Rf : Feedback resistor
fL : Low cutoff frequency
Since this capacitor as well as decoupling capacitor affects the starting time, the capacitor value must be fixed
with the necessary low frequency band fully considered.
C3 (C4) : Bootstrap capacitor. The output at low frequencies depends on this capacitor. Decreasing the capacitor value
lowers the output at low frequencies. A capacitor value of 47µF or more is required.
C5 (C6) : Oscillation blocking capacitor. Use a polyester film capacitor that is good in high frequency response and
temperature characteristic. The use of an electrolytic capacitor, ceramic capacitor may cause oscillation to
occur at low temperatures.
Continued on next page.