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MSS0307 View Datasheet(PDF) - Mosel Vitelic Corporation

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Mosel Vitelic Corporation  
MSS0307 Datasheet PDF : 39 Pages
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LEDX is turned off for t ONL and then turns on for 2 x t
ONL. And cycles. The LEDY turns off right after LEDX
turns on.
LEDY is turned off for t ONL and then turns on for 2 x t
ONL. And cycles.
This 340 ms t ONL equals 1 over 2.93. Of course, this
is valid within sound activated period.
This t ONL is sample rate dependent.
If user needs 4 LED lamps to perform ring flash.
These 4 pins are only candidates.
Other 4 - lamps combinations are not guaranteed.
Ring Flash 5 LEDs slow & inverse
User can specify 5 LEDs ring at slow & inverse.
It means
LEDS is turned off for t ONL and then turns on for 4 x t
ONL. And cycles. The LEDW turns off right after
LEDS turns on.
LEDW is turned off for t ONL and then turns on for 4 x t
ONL. And cycles. The LEDX turns off right after
LEDW turns on.
LEDX is turned off for t ONL and then turns on for 4 x t
ONL. And cycles. The LEDY turns off right after LEDX
turns on.
LEDY is turned off for t ONL and then turns on for 4 x t
ONL. And cycles. The LEDZ turns off right after LEDY
turns on.
LEDZ is turned off for t ONL and then turns on for 4 x t
ONL. And cycles.
This 340 ms t ONL equals 1 over 2.93. Of course, this
is valid within sound activated period.
This t ONL is sample rate dependent.
Initial high & Initial low
This is a function belongs to OUTs. It defines the state
only from power on to the first audio activated. It is
effective for all 15 features.
"Initial low" means user want this OUT pin is put to low
whenever this chip is power on. "Initial high" means
vice versa.
Initial high is good for LED because that high will forbid
the LED to be turned on, user want not keep the LED
light even user don't use very long time since user
power on the chip. So, we suggest user to define
"initial high" whenever LED is chosen for that OUT pin.
But it is not absolutely right. User may on purpose turn
it on once user likes it.
Initial low is good for Busy because that low will have
every Busy starts from zero on whole time line. So,
user are suggested to define "initial low" whenever
Busy is chosen for that OUT pin.
But it is not absolutely right. User may on purpose
have a high to do whatever user want, to turn a motor
running this way or tell a situation since power on, etc.
The similar situation for DC high or low. The similar
situation for Stop signal.
DC 0 & DC 1
DC 0 is read as D.C. zero and is quick form of DC low.
DC 1 is read as D.C. one and is quick form of DC high.
This is a function belongs to OUTs. User may be
confused it with Busy. It is similar to Busy signal but it is
not only valid during audio is being played, like Busy, but
also valid after the audio has been played. Its response
lasts until next audio entry is activated.
DC0 means zero potential (Vss) while the DC1 means
the Vdd.
Output pins at Cout plays mute
Mute has two types in MVI's Snn07 voice chip. Both
these two types of mute are treat as sound for
considering the output. The Stop is generated after
every mute. Busy is valid during every mute.
LED works at every mute.
Be careful that t PL interval does not count in mute.
Stop Pulse
Stop pulse is genrated right at the sound ends and lasts
for 40 ms typically. The mask options provide either high
stop pulse or low stop pulse. Stop pulse width is
determined on the sample rate as well as the pitch of
that playing entry when stop pulse occurs.
This 40 ms stop pulse is sufficiently wide to activate TGA
(or TGB or TGC) by feed back wiring.
Sample Rate
There are some parameters depend on sample rate.
They are debounce time, ramp up time, ramp down time,
plain time, LED Ring frequency, LED fix flash frequency
and Stop pulse width. The numbers mentioned in this
data sheet are based on 6 KHz sample rate if not
specified. Higher SR has LED flashes quicker. Higher
SR makes Stop pulse shorter. Higher SR let the
debounce time shorter. Higher SR makes the ramp up
time quicker. Higher SR makes the ramp down time
quicker, too. Higher SR makes shorter plain time.
This chip provides multi-SR function. What it means is
that user can digitize two different sounds in different SR
but plays them by a common Rosc. For example, user
has rocket sound digitized in 9.5 KHz but have rooster
digitized at 6 KHz. While manufactured, user just specify
different pitch numbers on request form - 4 for rocket and
1 for rooster. The chip could be played those two
sounds at a Rosc fit for 6 KHz SR. Because that "pitch
4" at 6 KHz Rosc means 6 KHz playback while "pitch 1"
at 6 KHz Rosc meas playback in 1.6 times 6 KHz.
The 600K ohm Rosc playback 6 KHz sample rate
typically, but just typical. Smaller Rosc playbacks
quicker - Higher pixel rate. MVI provides voice chip with
very flat response for playback vs working voltage.
Higher working voltage get slower playback but
Lower Key Priority
What's the result when multi triggers are activated simul-
taneously? Which trigger is acknowledged among these
ninteen? Among these sixteen? Among these three?
Between these two?
Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information.
PID247*** 09/96

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