Normalized Phase Noise Floor9
Phase Noise Performance10
7900 MHz Output11
Spurious Signals
7900 MHz Output11
B Chips2
B Version1 (Typ)
dBc/Hz typ
dBc/Hz typ
dBc typ
Test Conditions/Comments
@ VCO output
@ 1 kHz offset and 1 MHz PFD frequency
@ 1 MHz offset and 1 MHz PFD frequency
1 Operating temperature range (B version) is –40°C to +85°C.
2 The B chip specifications are given as typical values.
3 This is the maximum operating frequency of the CMOS counters. The prescaler value should be chosen to ensure that the RF input is divided down to a frequency that
is less than this value.
4 AVDD = DVDD = 3.3 V.
5 AC coupling ensures AVDD/2 bias.
6 Guaranteed by design. Sample tested to ensure compliance.
7 TA = 25°C; AVDD = DVDD = 3.3 V; P = 32; RFIN = 8 GHz, fPFD = 200 kHz, REFIN = 10 MHz.
8 TA = 25°C; AVDD = DVDD = 3.3 V; R = 16,383; A = 63; B = 891; P = 32; RFIN = 7.0 GHz.
9 This value can be used to calculate phase noise for any application. Use the formula –219 + 10 log(fPFD) + 20 logN to calculate in-band phase noise performance as seen
at the VCO output. The value given is the lowest noise mode.
10 The phase noise is measured with the EVAL-ADF4108EB1 evaluation board, with the Hittite HMC506LP4 VCO. The spectrum analyzer provides the REFIN for the
synthesizer (fREFOUT = 10 MHz @ 0 dBm).
11 fREFIN = 10 MHz; fPFD = 1 MHz; fRF = 7900 MHz; N = 7900; loop B/W = 50 kHz, VCO = HMC506LP4, spurs are dominated by the leakage current on the tuning port of the
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