PCnet-PCI II and PCnet-PCI
This appendix summarizes the enhancements of the
Am79C970A PCnet-PCI II controller over the
Am79C970 PCnet-PCI controller. The feature sum-
mary is followed by a detailed list of all register bit
changes. The document also compares the pinout of
the PCnet-PCI II controller with the pinout of the PC-
net-PCI and the Am79C974 PCnet-SCSI (also known
as Golden Gate) to show that the Flex-I/O footprint is
continued to be supported.
n Three Volt support for PCI bus interface
n Full Duplex Ethernet
n 272-byte Transmit FIFO, 256-byte Receive FIFO
n Enhanced PCI bus transfer cycles:
— No more address stepping
— Initialization Block read in non-burst (default) or
burst mode
— Added new software style and reordered the de-
scriptor entries to allow burst transfers for both,
descriptor read and write accesses
— FIFO DMA bursts length programmable from 1
to indefinite
— Type of memory command for burst read trans-
fers programmable to be either Memory Read
Line or Memory Read Multiple (controlled by
MEMCMD, BCR18, bit 9)
— Support for fast back-to-back slave transactions
even when the first transaction is addressing a
different target MEMCMD, BCR18, bit 9)
— Enhanced disconnect of I/O burst access
n Allows I/O resources to be memory mapped
n Eight-bit programmable PCI Latency Timer.
MIN_GNT and MAX_LAT programmable via
n System interrupt for data parity error, master abort
or target abort in master cycles
n Network activity is terminated in an orderly se-
quence after a master or target abort
n Advanced parity error handling. Mode has enable
bit and status bit in RMD1 and TMD1. All network
activity is terminated in an orderly sequence. Will
only work with 32-bit software structures.
n All registers in the PCI configuration space are
cleared by H_RESET
n Expansion ROM interface supporting devices of up
to 64 K x 8. One external address latch is required.
n Reading from the S_RESET port returns TRDY
right away
n REQ deassertion programmable to adapt to the re-
quirements of some embedded systems
n INTA pin programmable for pulse mode to adapt to
the requirements of some embedded systems
n Some previously reserved locations in the
EEPROM map are now used for new features
n Suspend mode for graceful stop and access to the
CSR without reinitialization
n User Interrupt
n Reduced number of transmit interrupts:
— Transmit OK disable (CSR5, bit 15). When bit is
set to ONE, a transmit interrupt is only gener-
ated on frames that suffer an error.
— Last Transmit Interrupt. TMD1, bit 28 is read by
the PCnet-PCI II controller to determine if an in-
terrupt should be generated at the end of the
frame. Only interrupts for successful transmis-
sion can be suppressed. Enabled by LTINTEN
(CSR5, bit 14).
n Disable Transmit Stop on Underflow (CSR3, bit 6)
bit. PCnet-PCI controller recovers automatically
from transmit underflow.
n Interrupt indication when coming out of sleep mode
n Interrupt indication for Excessive Deferral
n Address match information in Receive Descriptor
n Asserting SLEEP shuts down the entire device
n S_RESET (reading the RESET register) does not
affect the TMAU, except for the T-MAU in snooze
n LED registers programmable via EEPROM.
n Magic Packet Mode
n EADI interface. Multiplexed with the same LED pins
as for the Am79C965 PCnet-32.