Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
source is always higher than that for the triode-connected
case where both gates are tied together.
Reach-through voltage is another specification uniquely
applicable to tetrode-connected devices. This defines the
amount of difference voltage that may be applied to the two
gates before the depletion region of one spreads into the
junction of the other — causing an increase in gate current
to some small specified value. Obviously, reach-through is
an undesirable condition since it causes a decrease in input
resistance as a result of an increased gate current, and large
amounts of reach-through current can destroy the FET.
Gate Leakage Current
Of interest to circuit designers is the input resistance of
an active component. For FETs, this characteristic is
specified in the form of IGSS — the reverse-bias
gate-to-source current with the drain shorted to the source
(Figure 11). As might be expected, because the leakage
current across a reverse-biased p-n junction (in the case of
a JFET) and across a capacitor (in the case of a MOSFET)
is very small, the input resistance is extremely high. At a
temperature of 25°C, the JFET input resistance is hundreds
of megohms while that of a MOSFET is even greater. For
junction devices, however, input resistance may decrease
by several orders of magnitude as temperature is raised to
150°C. Such devices, therefore, have gate-leakage current
specified at two temperatures. Insulated-gate FETs are not
drastically affected by temperature, and their input resistance
remains extremely high even at elevated temperatures.
Gate leakage current may also be specified as IGDO
(leakage between gate and drain with the source open), or
as IGSO (leakage between gate and source with the drain
open). These usually result in lower values of leakage current
and do not represent worst-case conditions. The IGSS
specification, therefore, is usually preferred by the user.
Voltage Breakdown
A variety of specifications can be used to indicate the
maximum voltage that may be applied to various elements
of a FET. Among those in common use are the following:
Gate-to-source breakdown voltage
Drain-to-gate breakdown voltage
Drain-to-source breakdown voltage
(normally used only for MOSFETs)
In addition, there may be ratings and specifications
indicating the maximum voltages that may be applied
between the individual gates and the drain and source (for
tetrode connected devices). Obviously, not all of these
specifications are found on every data sheet since some of
them provide the same information in somewhat different
form. By understanding the various breakdown mechanisms,
however, the reader should be able to interpret the intent
of each specification and rating. For example:
In junction FETs, the maximum voltage that may be
applied between any two terminals is the lowest voltage that
will lead to breakdown or avalanche of the gate junction. To
measure V(BR)GSS (Figure 12a), an increasingly higher
reverse voltage is applied between the gate and the source.
Junction breakdown is indicated by an increase in gate
current (beyond IGSS) which signals the beginning of
Some reflection will reveal that for junction FETs, the
V(BR)DGO specification really provides the same information
as V(BR)GSS. For this measurement, an increasing voltage
is applied between drain and gate. When this applied voltage
becomes high enough, the drain-gate junction will go into
avalanche, indicated either by a significant increase in drain
current or by an increase in gate current (beyond IDGO). For
both V(BR)DGO and V(BR)GSS specifications, breakdown
should normally occur at the same voltage value.
From Figure 2 it is seen that avalanche occurs at a lower
value of VDS when the gate is reverse biased than for the
zero-bias condition. This is caused by the fact that the
reverse-bias gate voltage adds to the drain voltage, thereby
increasing the effective voltage across the junction. The
maximum amount of drain-source voltage that may be
applied VDS(max) is, therefore, equal to V(BR)DGO minus
VGS, which indicates avalanche with reverse bias gate
voltage applied.
For MOSFETs, the breakdown mechanism is somewhat
different. Consider, for example, the enhancement-mode
structure of Figure 5. Here, the gate is completely insulated
from the drain, source, and channel by an oxide-nitride layer.
The breakdown voltage between the gate and any of the
other elements, therefore, is dependent on the thickness and
purity of this insulating layer, and represents the voltage that
will physically puncture the layer. Consequently, the voltage
must be specified separately.
The drain-to-source breakdown is a different matter. For
enhancement mode devices, with the gate connected to the
source (the cutoff condition) and the substrate floating, there
is no effective channel between drain and source and the
applied drain-source voltage appears across two opposed
series diodes, represented by the source-to-substrate and
substrate-to-drain junctions. Drain current remains at a very
low level (picoamperes) as drain voltage is increased until
the drain voltage reaches a value that causes reverse
(avalanche) breakdown of the diodes. This particular
condition, represented by V(BR)DSS, is indicated by an
increase in ID above the IDSS level, as shown in Figure 12b.
For depletion/enhancement mode devices, the V(BR)DSS
symbol is sometimes replaced by V(BR)DSX. Note that the
principal difference between the two symbols is the
replacement of the last subscript s with the subscript x.
Whereas the s normally indicates that the gate is shorted
to the source, the x indicates that the gate is biased to cutoff
or beyond. To achieve cutoff in these devices, a depleting
bias voltage must be applied to the gate, Figure 12b.
An important static characteristic for switching FETs is the
“on” drain-source voltage VDS(on). This characteristic for the
MOSFETs is a function of VGS, and resembles the VCE(sat)
versus IB characteristics of junction transistors. The curve
for these characteristics can be used as a design guide to
determine the minimum gate voltage necessary to achieve
a specified output logic level.
Dynamic Characteristics
Unlike the static characteristics, the dynamic
characteristics of field-effect transistors apply equally to all
FETs. The conditions and presentation of the dynamic
characteristics, however, depend largely upon the intended
application. For example, the following table indicates the
dynamic characteristics needed to adequately describe a
FET for various applications.
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