312 Series of Encoders
Functional Description
The 312 series of encoders begin with a four (HT6010) or a one (HT6012/HT6014) word transmission
cycle upon receipt of a transmission enable (TE for the HT6010 or D8~D11 for the HT6012/HT6014, ac-
tive low). This cycle will repeat itself as long as the transmission enable (TE or D8~D11) is held low.
Once the transmission enable returns high the encoder output completes its final cycle and then stops
as shown below.
TE or
D 8~D 11
E ncoder
D a ta O u t
< 1 w o rd
1 o r 4 w o rd s
T r a n s m itte d
C o n tin u o u s ly
Transmission timing
1 or4
w o rd s
Information word
An information word is composed of four periods as shown:
p ilo t p e r io d ( 6 b its )
1 /6 b it s y n c . p e r io d
a d d r e s s c o d e p e r io d
Composition of information
d a ta c o d e
p e r io d
December 13, 1999