AT88SC0808/1616/3216/6416CRF, AT88RF04C
Appendix T. Errata
Lot History Code Register Contents
The format of the Lot History Code Register at addresses $10 thru $17 of the Configuration Memory has been changed
to contain a Unique Serial Number for each die. The first forty one bits of the register contain the Unique Serial
Number, while the other twenty three bits contain additional lot history information. Since this is a read-only register,
these bits can be used by customers to uniquely identify a particular die for anticollision, authentication key
diversification, or any other purpose required by the application.
Figure 53. Contents of UDSN (Lot History Code) Register
Unique Serial Number
Other Lot Information
Read Only
This register format change is effective on all CryptoRF products manufactured in July 2008 or later. Prior to July 2008
the contents of the Lot History Code Register are not unique for each die.
Atmel reserves the right to modify the format of the contents of the UDSN register without notice. However the UDSN
register value is guaranteed to be unique for each die. The register name in the Configuration Memory Maps has been
updated to Unique Die Serial Number in revision B of this document to reflect this change.
Read User Zone command
As the Read User Zone command reads data from the device's currently selected User Zone the data byte address is
internally incremented as each byte is read from memory. If the data byte address increments beyond the end of the
current User Zone during a read, then the address will "roll over" to the first byte of the same User Zone.
Read User Zone command PARAM Codes [88RF]
The Read User Zone command accepts PARAM = $01, $02, $03 and interprets them as PARAM = $00. The Read
User Zone command accepts PARAM = $81, $82, $83 and interprets them as PARAM = $80. In both cases the read
operation succeeds, when it should NACKed due to an invalid PARAM.
This error will be fixed in future products. Customers are advised that these PARAM values are not supported.
Status Codes [88RF]
In the response to each CryptoRF command the PICC returns a Status Code which indicates the state of the device or
the reason for failure of a requested operation. 88RF PICCs are known to return misleading Status Codes under
certain circumstances:
Write User Zone command
The Write User Zone command returns Status Code $A1 and NACK when L greater than $0F is sent. A Status Code
$A3 is expected. The write operation fails and no data is written.
Write System Zone command
The Write System Zone command returns Status Code $B0 and ACK when the integrated checksum option is used in
the encryption communication mode. A Status Code $00 is expected. The write operation succeeds and the data is
written to the EEPROM correctly.
The Write System Zone command returns Status Code $C9 and NACK when PARAM = $02 is sent. A Status Code
$A1 is expected. The write operation fails and no data is written.
The Write System Zone command returns Status Code $00 and NACK when PARAM = $0C and an invalid ADDR is
sent. A Status Code $A2 is expected. The operation fails and no data is written.