Customers are advised that past and future products may return Status Codes that are different. The ACK/NACK byte
reports if a requested operation has passed or failed; the Status code contains additional information.
Encryption Activation Change [88RF]
One byte value in the Encryption Activation procedure has been changed to allow 88RF PICCs to be used with the
AT88SC018 CryptoMemory Companion chip. This change may impact customers migrating from 88SC PICCs to 88RF
PICCs if the Encryption Communication Security mode is used.
When the host calculates the Authentication Activation Challenge at step 8 in the procedure in section K.8, a value of
$FF must be substituted in the calculation (in place of the actual 88RF PICC AAC value of $55).
This change is intentional.
156 AT88SC0808/1616/3216/6416CRF, AT88RF04C