Document Revision History for T8xC5121
Changes from 4164B -
06/02 to 4164C - 07/03
Changes from 4164C -
07/03 to 4164D - 12/03
1. Ports description update.
2. Added Bootloader Autobaud table.
3. Modified ICC test conditions Figure 51.
4. Added ICCOP power supply current characteristics.
5. Added ICCO pulsed power down mode current characteristics.
6. Modified Smart card characteristics : VCC/CVCC mixed.
1. Changed value of EMV to EMV2000. Section “Features”, page 1.
Changes from 4164D -
12/03 to 4164E - 01/04
Changes from 4164E -
01/04 to 4164F 11/05
1. DVcc Min/Max values changed, page 96.
2. Alternate Card Pads are 5V tolerant, page 99.
1. Added green product ordering information.
Changes from 4164F
11/05 to 4164F 07/06
1. Added QFN32 package to ordering information.