B43750, B43770
Extremely high ripple current 105 °C
Useful life
depending on ambient temperature TA, TB, TT+B under ripple current operating conditions1)
Depending on the application, interpret the graph as follows:
1. Natural cooling
Use rated current IAC,R and ambient temperature TA.
2. Cooling of base
Use rated current IAC,R (B) and temperature of capacitor base TB.
3. Cooling of terminals and base
Use rated current IAC,R (T+B) and temperature of capacitors bas TT+B.
Ensure that the temperature of the cooled terminals is lower than that of the case base.
Due to the current load capability of the contact elements, the following current limits must not be
exceeded, even if the frequency and the temperatur factors have been taken into account:
Capacitor diameter
64.3 mm
76.9 mm
91.0 mm
Capacitor base cooling
62 A
80 A
90 A
Terminal and capacitor base cooling
75 A
100 A
110 A
1) Refer to chapter "General technical information, 5.3 Calculation of useful life" on how to interpret the useful life graphs.
Please read Cautions and warnings and
Important notes at the end of this document.
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