Audio ICs
High-output dual power amplifier
BA5415A / BA5416
The BA5415A and BA5416 are dual power amplifier ICs that operate off a 9V to 15V supply. When driving a 4Ω load
off a 9V supply, the BA5415A does not require a heatsink. The BA5416 uses a lost-cost package. The basic characteris-
tics (total harmonic distortion etc.) of the amplifiers are excellent, and both ICs include a standby switch function.
Radio cassette players.
1) High output.
POUT = 5.4W (VCC = 12V, RL = 3Ω and THD = 10%)
POUT = 2.5W (VCC = 9V, RL = 4Ω and THD = 10%)
2) Excellent audio quality.
THD = 0.1% (f = 1kHz, PO = 0.5W)
VNO = 0.3mVrms (Rg = 10kΩ)
RR = 60dB (fRR = 100Hz)
3) Wide operating power suppy voltage range.
VCC = 5.0V to 18.0V (BA5416: 5.0V to 15.0V)
4) Switching noise (“pop” noise) generated when the
power is switched on and off is small.
5) Ripple mixing when motor starts has been pre-
6) Built-in thermal shutout.
7) Built-in standby switch. Output is not influenced by
the standby pin voltage.
8) “On” mute time does not depend on VCC.
9) Soft clipping.
10) Heatsink not required (for BA5415A, with VCC = 9V
and RL y 4Ω).
FAbsolute maximum ratings (Ta = 25_C)
FRecommended operating conditions (Ta = 25_C)