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BR24C21FJ View Datasheet(PDF) - ROHM Semiconductor

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ROHM Semiconductor 
BR24C21FJ Datasheet PDF : 21 Pages
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BR24C21xxx Series (1K)
Bi-directional mode
Bi-directional Mode and Recovery Function
The BR24C21/F/FJ/FV can be switched from Transmit-Only Mode to Bi-directional Mode by providing a valid High to Low
transition at the SCL pin, while the state of SDA is at high-impedance.
After a valid high to low transition on the SCL pin, the BR24C21/F/FJ/FV begins to count the VCLK clock. If the VCLK
counter reaches 128 clocks without the command for Bi-directional Mode, the device reverts to Transmit-Only Mode
(Recovery function). The VCLK counter is reset by providing a valid high to low transition at the SCL pin. After reversal to
Transmit-Only Mode the device begins to output data (00h address data) with the 129th rising clock edge of VCLK.
If the BR24C21/F/FJ/FV is switched from Transmit-Only Mode and receives the command for Bi-directional
Mode and responds with an Acknowledge, it is impossible to revert to Transmit-Only Mode. (Power down is the only
way to revert to Transmit-Only Mode.) Unless the input device code is “1010”, the device does not respond with an
Acknowledge. If the VCLK counter reaches 128 clocks afterwards, it is possible to revert to Transmit-Only Mode for
Recovery function. If the Master generates a STOP condition during the Slave address, before an Acknowledge is input,
it is possible to revert to Transmit-Only Mode.
When the device is switched from Transmit-Only Mode to Bi-direction Mode, the period of tVHZ needs to be held.
MODE Transmit-only
B i - dBii-rdeircecttiioonnaal l
T r aTnrasnistiitioonn MModeo dwieth wpoistshibipliotys stoi b i l i t y
t o rreettuurnnteo TtroansTmirta-OnnslymMiotd-eO n l y M o d e
127 128 129
BBii--ddirierceticontailo n a l
TTrraansnitsiiotni oMonde Mwiothdpeosswibiitlhityptoos s i b i l i t y
troeturren ttuo nTreanstmoit-TOrnlaynMsodme i t - O n l y M o d e
B i - d i rBie-cditrieoctnioanal l
p a r m paanrmeannent tl lyy
D7 D6 D5 D4
S 1 0 1 0 * * * R/W ACK
*Don’t care
Figure 6. Recovery Mode
Figure 7. Mode Change
Bi-directional Mode
START Condition
All commands are proceeded by the START condition, which is a High to Low transition of SDA when SCL is High.
The BR24C21/F/FJ/FV continuously monitors the SDA and SCL lines for the START condition and will not respond to
any commands until this condition has been met.
(See Figure 1 Synchronous Data Timing)
STOP Condition
All commands must be terminated by a STOP condition, which is a Low to High transition of SDA when SCL is High.
The STOP condition causes the internal write cycle to write data into the memory array after a write sequence.
The STOP condition is also used to place the device into standby power mode after read sequences.
A STOP condition can only be issued after the transmitting device has released the bus.
(See Figure 1 Synchronous Data Timing)
Device Addressing
Following the START condition, the Master outputs the device address of the Slave to be accessed. The most significant
four bits of Slave address are the “device type indentifier,” For the BR24C21/F/FJ/FV this is fixed as “1010.”
The next three bits of the slave address are inconsequential.
The last bit of the stream determines the operation to be performed. When set to “1”, a READ operation is selected.
When set to “0”, a WRITE operation is initiated.
R/W set to "0" ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ WRITE (This bit is also set to "0" for random read operation)
R/W set to "1" ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ READ
*:Don’t care
Write Protect Function
Write Enable (VCLK)
When using the BR24C21/F/FJ/FV in Bi-directional Mode, the VCLK pin can be used as a write enable pin. Setting VCLK
High allows normal write operations, while setting VCLK low prevents writing to any location in the array.
(See Figure 3 Write Enable Timing)
Changing VCLK from High to Low during the self-timed program operation will not halt programming of the device.
© 2012 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
10.Jul.2012 Rev.001

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