Temperature Sensor Register Write
To write data to a TS register the Master creates a
START condition on the bus, and then sends out the
appropriate Slave address (with the R/¯W¯ bit set to
‘0’), followed by an address byte and two data bytes.
The matching Slave will acknowledge the Slave
address, TS register address and the TS register
data (Figure 5). The Master then ends the session
by creating a STOP condition on the bus. The STOP
completes the TS register update. Note that all
registers in the TS are ‘volatile’ meaning any data
contained in them is lost when power is removed
from the chip.
Immediate Read
Upon power-up, the Temperature Sensor (TS)
address counter is initialized to 00h. The TS address
counter will thus point to the Capability Register.
This address counter may be updated by
subsequent operations.
A CAT6095 presented with a Slave address
containing a ‘1’ in the R/¯W¯ position will acknowledge
the Slave address and will then start transmitting
data being pointed at by the current TS register
address counter. The Master stops this transmission
by responding with NoACK, followed by a STOP
(Figure 6).
Selective Read
The Read operation can be started at an address
different from the one stored in the address counter,
by preceeding the Immediate Read sequence with a
‘data less’ Write operation. The Master sends out a
START, Slave address and address byte, but rather
than following up with data (as in a Write operation),
the Master then issues another START and
continuous with an Immediate Read sequence
(Figure 7).
Doc. No. MD-1124 Rev. D
© 2009 SCILLC. All rights reserved.
Characteristics subject to change without notice