Analog signal processor IC
For the availability of this product, please contact the sales office.
The CXA2027Q is an analog signal processor for
48 pin QFP (Plastic)
CCD linear image sensor output signal. This device
is suitable for 3 lines of full-color CCD linear image
sensor (ILX516K/ILX518K/ILX520K: 3648 pixels ×
3 lines/5363 pixels × 3 lines/7078 pixels × 3 lines).
This device has a built-in sample-and-hold, clamp,
multiplex, gain control amplifier circuits and can be
connected directly with external AD converters.
(Sony’s CXD2311AR, CXD1175AM or CXA1977R
Absolute Maximum Ratings
are recommended as AD converters.)
• Supply voltage
–0.3 to 7
• Sample-and-hold circuit
• Pixel-clamp and line-clamp circuit
• Multiplex circuit
• ADC driver circuit
• Input voltage
VI –0.3 to VCC + 0.3 V
• Output voltage
VO –0.3 to VCC + 0.3 V
• Storage temperature Tstg –55 to +150 °C
• Allowable power dissipation
• Gain control amplifier circuit
• Offset control circuit
• Clock frequency: 1.5 to 6MHz (after multiplex)
Operating Conditions (Typ. in parentheses)
• Supply voltage
VCC 4.75 to 5.25 (5.0) V
• Digital input voltage High VIH 3.5 to VCC (VCC) V
Color image scanner
• Digital input voltage Low VIL 0 to 0.8 (0) V
• Operating temperature Topr 0 to +70 °C
Bipolar silicon monolithic IC
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operation of the devices. Sony cannot assume responsibility for any problems arising out of the use of these circuits.