±5ppm, I2C Real-Time Clock with SRAM
Figure 4. Single Supply (VCC Only)
Figure 5. Single Supply (VBAT Only)
Figure 6. Dual Power Supply
High-Accuracy Time Base
The temperature sensor, oscillator, and digital adjust-
ment controller logic form the highly accurate time base.
The controller reads the output of the on-board tempera-
ture sensor and adjusts the final 1Hz output to maintain
the required accuracy. The device is trimmed at the
factory to maintain a tight accuracy over the operating
temperature range. When the device is powered by VCC,
the adjustment occurs once a second. When the device
is powered by VBAT, the adjustment occurs once every
10s to conserve power. Adjusting the 1Hz time base less
often does not affect the device’s long-term timekeeping
accuracy. The device also contains an Aging Offset reg-
ister that allows a constant offset (positive or negative) to
be added to the factory-trimmed adjustment value.
Power-Supply Configurations
The DS3232M can be configured to operate on a single
power supply (using either VCC or VBAT) or in a dual-
supply configuration, which provides a backup supply
source to keep the timekeeping circuits alive during
absence of primary system power.
Figure 4 illustrates a single-supply configuration using
VCC only, with the VBAT input grounded. When VCC < VPF,
the RST output is asserted (active low). Temperature con-
versions are executed once per second.
Figure 5 illustrates a single-supply configuration using
VBAT only, with the VCC input grounded. The RST output
is disabled and is held at ground through the connection
of the internal pullup resistor. Temperature conversions
are executed once every 10s.
Figure 6 illustrates a dual-supply configuration, using
the VCC supply for normal system operation and the
VBAT supply for backup power. In this configuration, the
power-selection function is provided by a temperature-
compensated voltage reference and a comparator circuit
that monitors the VCC level. When VCC is greater than
VPF, the device is powered by VCC. When VCC is less
than VPF but greater than VBAT, the device is powered
by VCC. If VCC is less than VPF and is less than VBAT, the
device is powered by VBAT (see Table 1).
When VCC < VPF, the RST output is asserted (active
low). When VCC is the presently selected power source,
temperature conversions are executed once per second.
When VBAT is the presently selected power source, tem-
perature conversions are executed once every 10s.