Eon Silicon Solution Inc. (hereinafter called “Eon”) is going to provide its products’ top
marking on ICs with < cFeon > from January 1st, 2009, and without any change of the part
number and the compositions of the ICs. Eon is still keeping the promise of quality for all
the products with the same as that of Eon delivered before. Please be advised with the
change and appreciate your kindly cooperation and fully support Eon’s product family.
Eon products’ New Top Marking
cFeon Top Marking Example:
Part Number: XXXX-XXX
Lot Number: XXXXX
Date Code: XXXXX
Continuity of Specifications
There is no change to this data sheet as a result of offering the device as an Eon product.
Any changes that have been made are the result of normal data sheet improvement and are
noted in the document revision summary, where supported. Future routine revisions will occur
when appropriate, and changes will be noted in a revision summary.
Continuity of Ordering Part Numbers
Eon continues to support existing part numbers beginning with “Eon” and “cFeon” top
marking. To order these products, during the transition please specify “Eon top marking” or
“cFeon top marking” on your purchasing orders.
For More Information
Please contact your local sales office for additional information about Eon memory solutions.
This Data Sheet may be revised by subsequent versions 1
or modifications due to changes in technical specifications.
©2004 Eon Silicon Solution, Inc., www.eonssi.com
Rev. D, Issue Date: 2009/10/06