9 COM/60 SEG LCD Driver
1 General Description
The EPL09060 is a driver and controller LSI for graphic dot-matrix liquid crystal
display systems. It can be interfaced to the MPU via serial or 8-bit interface. It
contains 9 common and 60 segment driver circuits. A single chip can drive a graphic
display system with a maximum of 60 × 9 dots.
2 Features
Direct Correspondence between Display Data RAM and LCD Pixel
Display Data RAM : 43 × 102 = 4386 bits
69 LCD Drivers : 60-seg segment drivers, 8-common drivers and 1-icon
Serial Interface (SPI) or 8-Bit Parallel Interface Mode (80-/68-series MPU)
On-chip oscillator circuit
Programmable Duty Ratio:
Duty Ratio
1: 8 (+ ICON)
1:16 (+ICON)
Note: ICON = “0” : Pin disable
ICON = “1” : Pin enable
8 (+ ICON)
16 (+ICON)
Selectable LCD driving bias level :
1/3,1/3.5,1/4,1/4.5,1/5,1/5.5,1/6,1/6.5,1/7,1/7.5,1/8 bias
Selectable LCD display clock frequency
Electronic contrast control function (64 steps)
Built-in useful Instruction Set : Display data read/write, Display on/off, Inverse
display, Page address set, Common address set, LCD display contrast control,
Set Sleep mode, Standby mode, etc.
Operating Voltage range :
− Supply voltage : 2.2V to 3.4 V
− LCD driving voltage : 3.0V to 6 V
Package (Ordering information):
Part Number
Package Information
Bare die
Page 6
Note: The EPL09060 series has the following sub-codes, depending on their shapes.
H: Bare die (Aluminum pad without bump);
GH: Gold bumped die
F: COF package;
T: TAB (TCP) package
EPL09060H Æ EPL09060 Elan; H: Bare die
Product Specification (V1.0) 12.28.2005