General Description
The FMS6417A offers comprehensive filtering for set top box or
DVD applications. This part consists of a triple 6th order filter
with selectable 30MHz or 8MHz frequencies and a dual filter for
filtering Y,C with a composite summer and a modulator channel
with sound-notch and FCC group delay compensation. The
modulator provides sound-notching and FCC group delay
compensation for NTSC. 2-to-1 multiplexers are provided on
the triple filters as well as provisions for auxiliary inputs to the
composite channel. The triple filters are intended for either YUV
or RGB signals. All channels accept DC coupled ground-refer-
enced 1V signals. The filters output 2Vpp signals into AC coupled
terminated loads. The low-pass filters are powered by 3.3V and
the modulator and outputs by 5.0V.
The FMS6417A is a next generation filter solution from Fairchild
Semiconductor, addressing the expanding filtering needs for set
top boxes, and DVD players. The product provides selectable fil-
tering from 30MHz or 8MHz on the RGB channels. Thus, the
FMS6417A addresses the requirement for a single set top box
to be compatible with a variety of resolution standards. Addi-
tionally, the product provides additional filters for Y, C, CV, and
modulator outputs. Multiplexers on the RGB and CV channel
provide further flexibility.
For DVD applications, the product provides filtering and output
drive amplification for 7 channels of outputs. These include R,
G, B, Y, C, CV, and modulator outputs.
For set top boxes, this product provides for 2 channels of video
to be filtered, as well as the flexibility of selectable high order
filtering for multiple resolution standards. Additional flexibility is
provided by the additional Y,C filterswith composite summers.
All channels provide 6dB gain, accept 1V ground referenced
inputs, and drive AC coupled loads. The filters for the R, G, B, Y,
C, and CV channels are powered from a 3.3V supply and the
modulator channel and outputs from 5V.
The modulator channel has sound-notch and FCC group delay
compensation set for NTSC specifications.
FMS6417A Rev. 2A