Single Chip Bar Code Decode IC
Technical Data
• Supports Five Industry
Standard Bar Code
• Automatic Code Recognition
• Choice of Parallel or Full
Duplex Serial ASCII
• Programmable via Escape
Sequences or Pin Strapping
• Through Hole and Surface
Mount Packages
• Audio and Visual Feedback
The Hewlett-Packard Single Chip
Bar Code Decoder IC offers
flexible bar code decoding that is
designed to give OEMs the ability
to address a growing number of
industry segments and applica-
tions. Flexibility is made possible
through firmware that allows the
IC to automatically recognize and
decode the most popular bar
code symbologies. User imple-
mentation is easy since only a few
supporting components are
The HBCR-1610 series decodes
the most popular bar code
symbologies used in applications
in government, retail, industrial
and medical markets. The IC
automatically discriminates and
decodes the following
• Code 39 (Standard or
• Interleaved 2 of 5
• UPC A, E0, E1
• EAN/JAN 8, 13
• Codabar
• Code 128
All bar codes may be scanned
bidirectionally except for UPC/
EAN/JAN bar codes with supple-
mental digits, which must be
scanned so that the supplemental
digits are scanned last.
Scanner Input
The HBCR-1610 decode ICs are
designed to accept input from
hand held digital scanners and
slot readers. The maximum scan
speed is 30 ips (73 cm/s).
Data Communications
The serial port supports a variety
of baud rates, parity, and stop
bits as described in Table 5. The
IC has a “Single Read Mode”
which allows the application
program to stop data input until a
“Next Read” command has been
received. This allows the host
computer to process data
transmissions before enabling
subsequent reads. Control of data
transmission is available using
the standard XON/XOFF (D1/ D3)
The parallel port is accomplished
via an external 74HCT646 (octal
bus transceiver) or two
74HCT574s (octal latches).
There are handshake lines for
both data and commands.
Feedback Features
Both audible and visual feedback
are possible with the HBCR-1610
series. In both cases, the
feedback outputs from the IC
should be buffered before driving
the transducer. An LED or beeper
connected to the IC is either
controlled directly by the IC, with
signals generated by successful
decodes, or controlled by the
host system. The tone of the
beeper can be configured to one
of 16 tones, or can be silenced.