Test Methods
Background Light and
Electromagnetic Field
There are four ambient
interference conditions in which
the receiver is to operate
correctly. The conditions are to
be applied separately:
1. Electromagnetic field:
3 V/m maximum (please refer
to IEC 801-3, severity level 3
for details).
2. Sunlight:
10 kilolux maximum at the
optical port. This is simulated
with an IR source having a
peak wavelength within the
range of 850 nm to 900 nm
and a spectral width of less
than 50 nm biased to provide
490 µW/cm2 (with no
modulation) at the optical
port. The light source faces the
optical port.
This simulates sunlight within
the IrDA spectral range. The
effect of longer wavelength
radiation is covered by the
incandescent condition.
4. Fluorescent Lighting:
1000 lux maximum. This is
simulated with an IR source
having a peak wavelength
within the range of 850 nm to
900 nm and a spectral width of
less than 50 nm biased and
modulated to provide an
optical square wave signal
(0 µW/cm2 minimum and
0.3 µW/cm2 peak amplitude
with 10% to 90% rise and fall
times less than or equal to
100 ns) over the horizontal
surface on which the
equipment under test rests.
The light sources are above the
test area. The frequency of the
optical signal is swept over the
frequency range from 20 kHz
to 200 kHz.
Due to the variety of
fluorescent lamps and the
range of IR emissions, this
condition is not expected to
cover all circumstances. It will
provide a common floor for
IrDA operation.
3. Incandescent Lighting: 1000
lux maximum. This is
produced with general service,
tungsten-filament, gas-filled,
inside frosted lamps in the
60 Watt to 100 Watt range to
generate 1000 lux over the
horizontal surface on which
the equipment under test rests.
The light sources are above the
test area. The source is
expected to have a filament
temperature in the 2700 to
3050 Kelvin range and a
spectral peak in the 850 to
1050 nm range.