32-bit ARM Cortex™-M3 MCU
Watchdog Timer
▀ 12-bit down counter with 3-bit prescaler
▀ Interrupt or reset event for the system
▀ Programmable watchdog timer window function
▀ Registers write protection function
The Watchdog Timer is a hardware timing circuit that can be used to detect system failures due to
software malfunctions. It includes a 12-bit count-down counter, a prescaler, a WDT counter value
register, a WDT delta value register, interrupt related circuits, WDT operation control circuitry
and a WDT protection mechanism. The Watchdog Timer can be operated in an interrupt mode or
a reset mode. The Watchdog Timer will generate an interrupt or a reset when the counter counts
down and reaches a zero value. If the software does not reload the counter value before a Watchdog
Timer underflow occurs, an interrupt or a reset will be generated when the counter underflows. In
addition, an interrupt or reset is also generated if the software reloads the counter when the counter
value is greater than or equal to the WDT delta value. This means the counter must be reloaded
within a limited timing window using a specific method. The Watchdog Timer counter can be
stopped while the processor is in the debug mode. There is a register write protect function which
can be enabled to prevent it from changing the Watchdog Timer configuration unexpectedly.
Real Time Clock
▀ 32-bit up-counter with a programmable prescaler
▀ Alarm function
▀ Interrupt and Wake-up event
The Real Time Clock, RTC, circuitry includes the APB interface, a 32-bit count-up counter, a
control register, a prescaler, a compare register and a status register. Most of the RTC circuits are
located in the Backup Domain except for the APB interface. The APB interface is located in the
VDD18 power domain. Therefore, it is necessary to be isolated from the ISO signal that comes from
the power control unit when the VDD18 power domain is powered off, that is when the device enters
the Power-Down mode. The RTC counter is used as a wakeup timer to generate a system resume
signal from the Power-Down mode.
Rev. 1.00
12 of 45
August 13, 2012