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HT6740 View Datasheet(PDF) - Holtek Semiconductor

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Holtek Semiconductor 
HT6740 Datasheet PDF : 8 Pages
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13.56MHz RFID Transponder
· Very low operating current (15mA at VDD=2V)
· Wide range operating voltage
· Batteryless RF transponder
· Data transmission in read-only operation
· Max. of 6 bits customer programmable data
· 6 bits checksum for error rejection
· OTP data memory
· Interactive leisure products
· Security system
· Access control
· Anti-counterfeit devices
· 13.56MHz carrier frequency
· Output data baud rate: 10kbps (Typ.) at VDD=3V
· PWM/ASK modulation
· Built-in voltage limiter
· Non anti-collision function (Default)
· 8-pin DIP package available for engineering evalua-
tion - not for volume production
· Material management
· Animal management
· Personnel working time record
· Car park monitoring system
General Description
The HT6740 is an RF transponder IC with 13.56MHz RF
carrier, which provides a low cost batteryless tran-
sponder solution when combined with an external in-
ductor. The inductor and internal capacitor form an LC
tank which induce voltage from the radiated 13.56MHz
carrier signal generated from the reader antenna.
HT6740 has a built-in low power RC oscillator which is
activated if the induced carrier field strength is high
enough to supply the operating current and the re-
sponse signal (pre-programmed in the OTP memory) is
serially transmitted out. The response data is transmit-
ted using PWM/ASK modulation. Modulation of
13.56MHz is accomplished by damping the LC tank with
a fixed baud rate.
The transmission information is stored in a 17 bits one
time programmable memory OTP, with a 6-bit check
sum (up to 11 bits reserved for customer). The effective
detection range for a small sized antenna is 2cm~10cm
which is dependent on antenna format & reader design.
The larger the antenna loop used the longer the detec-
tion range. It is advisable to use larger antenna to attain
a 15 cm detection range.
Implementing Holtek¢s advanced OTP and low power
technology, HT6740 offers a very cost effective solution
for RF contactless detection system.
A code area of 11 bits (max.) wide is provided so cus-
tomers can program the device using the specified pro-
grammer supplied by Holtek. The pre-programmed ICs
are also available upon customer¢s request.
The HT6740 has a built-in anti-collision function. Cus-
tomers can choose with anti-collision or with non
anti-collision function in the program software tool sup-
plied by Holtek.
Block Diagram
R andom
C o u n te r
S y s te m
C lo c k
G e n e ra to r
V C C L im ite r
R F L im ite r
F re q u e n c y
D a ta
H F1
D r iv e r f/4
P r o c e s s in g
Rev. 1.20
P W M /A S K
M o d u la to r
S h ift
R e g is te r
D a ta
T e s t B lo c k
May 17, 2007

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