Usage Notes
1. This IC includes three short circuit protection circuits : shorting to power (shorts between an output and the power
supply), shorting to ground (shorts between an output and ground), and load shorting protection circuits.
These protection circuits operate while the corresponding abnormal condition continues, and recover automatically
when the abnormal condition is resolved.
There are, however, cases where, due to IC usage conditions, one of these protection circuits may lock and continue
operating after the problem has been resolved. If this occurs, the protection circuit state can be reset by either
switching the IC to standby mode or by temporarily cutting power from the IC.
2. This IC includes a thermal protection circuit that operates if the junction temperature (Tj) rises to 160°C or higher.
This circuit gradually reduces the output level.
3. If this IC is operated in the vicinity of any of its maximum ratings, even slight changes in operating conditions could
result in a maximum rating being exceeded. Since this could lead to the destruction of the IC, end product designs must
include adequate margins in the supply voltage and other parameters so that the IC is always used within ranges such
that the maximum ratings are never exceeded.