MODE (Pin 1): Logic Controlled Input for the Auto-Burst
Mode Feature.
MODE = High: PWM operation with Burst Mode
MODE = Low: PWM operation only
LBI (Pin 2): Low-Battery Comparator Non-Inverting Input.
(Comparator enabled with ENBST or ENLDO)
SGND (Pin 3): Signal Ground. Provide a short direct PCB
path between GND and the (–) side of the input and output
VINB (Pin 4): Input Supply for the Step-Up Converter.
Connect a minimum of 1μF ceramic decoupling capacitor
from this pin to ground.
PGDB (Pin 5): Power Good Indicator for the Boost Con-
verter. This is an open-drain output that sinks current when
VOUTB is greater than 94% of the programmed voltage.
ENBST (Pin 6): Logic controlled shutdown input for the
boost converter.
ENBST = High: Normal operation
ENBST = Low: Shutdown
PGDL (Pin 7): Power Good Indicator for the LDO Regulator.
This is an open-drain output that sinks current when VOLDO
is greater than 96% of the programmed voltage.
ENLDO (Pin 8): Logic Controlled Shutdown Input for the
LDO Regulator.
ENLDO = High: Normal operation
ENLDO = Low: Shutdown
FBB (Pin 9): Feedback Input to the gm Error Amplifier
of the Boost Converter. Connect resistor divider tap to
this pin. The output voltage can be adjusted from 1.5V
to 5.25V by:
VOUTB = 1.2V • [1 + (R2/R1)]
FBL (Pin 10): Feedback Input to the gm Error Amplifier of
the LDO. Connect resistor divider tap to this pin. The output
voltage can be adjusted from 0.6V (typical) to 5V by:
VOLDO = 0.6V • [1 + (R4/R3)]
VOLDO (Pin 11): LDO Regulator Output. PCB trace from
VOLDO to the output filter capacitor (1μF minimum) should
be as short and as wide as possible.
VINL (Pin 12): Input Supply for the LDO Regulator.
VOUTB (Pin 13): Output Voltage Sense Input and Drain
of the Internal Synchronous Rectifier. PCB trace length
from VOUTB to the output filter capacitor (4.7μF minimum)
should be as short and wide as possible.
SW (Pin 14): Switch Pin. Connect the inductor between
SW and VINB. Keep these PCB trace lengths as short and
wide as possible to reduce EMI. If the inductor current falls
to zero or ENBST is low, an internal anti-ringing switch is
connected from SW to VINB to minimize EMI.
PGND (Pin 15): Power Ground. Provide a short direct
PCB path between GND and the (–) side of the input and
output capacitors.
LBO (Pin 16): Low-Battery Comparator Output. (Open-
Exposed Pad (Pin 17): Power Ground. The Exposed Pad
must be soldered to the PCB.