Preliminary Information
Part Numbering Scheme
M675-01 Standard Output Frequencies & Order Codes
Part Number:
Device Number
MM667850-01y- xx
-01 = Output Frequencies 125 - 175 MHz
-02 = Output Frequencies 500 - 700 MHz
Output Frequency Order Code
See Tables 10 and 11 at right for frequency order codes.
Consult ICS for other frequencies and order codes.
125.0000 DA
155.5200 BA
156.2500 BB
156.8324 BC
161.1328 BD
166.6286 BE
168.0407 BJ
172.6423 BK
173.3708 BL
164.3555 BM
153.6000 BO
118.7500 BP
Figure 6: Part Numbering Scheme
167.2820 BF
176.8382 BQ
Example Order Numbers
For Output Order Part #
Frequencies M675-01-Bx
155.5200 M675-01-BA
For Output Order Part #
Frequencies M675-02-Ax
622.0800 M675-02-AA
167.3280 BG
156.1762 BR
167.3316 BH
174.1537 BU
167.7097 BI
174.7031 BV
Table 10: M675-01 Standard Output Frequencies & Order Codes
625.0000 M675-02-AB
644.5313 M675-02-AD
669.3266 M675-02-AH
Table 9: Example Order Numbers
M675-02 Standard Output Frequencies & Order Codes
500.0000 CA
672.1627 AJ
622.0800 AA
690.5692 AK
625.0000 AB
693.4830 AL
627.3296 AC
657.4219 AM
644.5313 AD
614.4000 AO
666.5143 AE
475.0000 AP
669.1281 AF
707.3527 AQ
669.3120 AG
624.7048 AR
669.3266 AH
696.6149 AU
670.8386 AI
698.8123 AV
Table 11: M675-02 Standard Output Frequencies & Order Codes
Consult IDT for the availability of other frequencies
While the information presented herein has been checked for both accuracy and reliability, Integrated Circuit Systems (ICS)
assumes no responsibility for either its use or for the infringement of any patents or other rights of third parties, which would
result from its use. No other circuits, patents, or licenses are implied. This product is intended for use in normal commercial
applications. Any other applications such as those requiring extended temperature range, high reliability, or other extraordinary
environmental requirements are not recommended without additional processing by ICS. ICS reserves the right to change any
circuitry or specifications without notice. ICS does not authorize or warrant any ICS product for use in life support devices or
critical medical instruments.
M675 Datasheet Rev 0.5
6 of 6
Revised 29Jul2009
I n t e g r a t e d D e v i c e Te c h n o l o g y, I n c . ● C o m m u n i c a t i o n M o d u l e s ● w w w. i dt . c o m ● t e l ( 5 0 8 ) 8 5 2 - 5 4 0 0