• Command 1 (Character data 1 setting)
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 1 MS1 MS0 MM1 MM0 MB3 MB2 MB1 MB0 MC3 MC2 MC1 MC0
MC3-MC0 : Character color (16 colors)
MB3-MB0 : Background color (16 colors)
MM1, MM0 : Character background control
(0, 0 : Off)
(0, 1 : Solid fill)
(1, 0 : concaved shaded)
(1, 1 : convexed shaded)
MS1, MS0 : Character horizontal size control
(0, 0 : 12 dots)
(0, 1 : 18 dots)
(1, 0 : 24 dots)
(1, 1 : Setting prohibited)
This command sets character data. Settings are entered in VRAM and reflected on the screen by executing the
character data setting 2 command (command 2) .
[Additional information]
• Character color, character background color, character background control and character horizontal size can
be set in any combination for each character separately.
• Shadow effects can be set for any combination of top, bottom, left, and right directions using the combination
of the character data setting 2 (command 2) MR bit and the row control data setting 2 (command 4) LD and
LE bits.
• Shadow background frame color settings are made by shaded background frame color control (command 6-1) .