Power Supply
Normal Mode
The 33993 is designed to operate from 5.5 V to 40 V on the
VPWR pin. Characteristics are provided from 8.0 V to 16 V for
the device. Switch contact currents and the internal logic supply
are generated from the VPWR pin. The VDD supply pin is used to
set the SPI communication voltage levels, current source for the
SO driver, and pull-up current on INT and CS.
VDD supply may be removed from the device to reduce
quiescent current. If VDD is removed while the device is in
Normal mode, the device will remain in Normal mode. If VDD is
removed in Sleep mode, the device will remain in Sleep mode
until wake-up input is received (WAKE high to low, switch input
or interrupt timer expires).
Removing VDD from the device disables SPI communication
and will not allow the device to wake up from INT and CS pins.
Power-ON Reset (POR)
Applying VPWR to the device will cause a Power-ON Reset
and place the device in Normal mode.
Default settings from Power-ON Reset via VPWR or Reset
Command are as follows:
• Programmable Switch – Set to Switch to Battery
• All Inputs Set as Wake-Up
• Wetting Current On (16 mA)
• Wetting Current Timer On (20 ms)
• All Inputs Tri-State
• Analog Select 00000 (No Input Channel Selected)
Modes of Operation
The 33993 has two operating modes, Normal mode and
Sleep mode. A discussion on Normal mode begins below.
A discussion on Sleep mode begins on page 18.
Normal mode may be entered by the following events:
• Application of VPWR to the IC
• Change-of-Switch State (when enabled)
• Falling Edge of WAKE
• Falling Edge of INT (with VDD = 5.0 V and WAKE at
Logic [1])
• Falling Edge of CS (with VDD = 5.0 V)
• Interrupt Timer Expires
Only in Normal mode with VDD applied can the registers of the
33993 be programmed through the SPI.
The registers that may be programmed in Normal mode are
listed below. Further explanation of each register is provided in
subsequent paragraphs.
• Programmable Switch Register (Settings Command)
• Wake-Up/Interrupt Register (Wake-Up/Interrupt
Command )
• Wetting Current Register (Metallic Command)
• Wetting Current Timer Register (Wetting Current Timer
Enable Command)
• Tri-State Register (Tri-State Command)
• Analog Select Register (Analog Command)
• Calibration of Timers (Calibration Command)
• Reset (Reset Command)
Figure 4, page 8, is a graphical description of the device
operation in Normal mode. Switch states are latched into the
input register on the falling edge of CS. The INT to the MCU is
cleared on the rising edge of CS. However, INT will not clear on
rising edge of CS if a switch has closed during SPI
communication (CS low). This prevents switch states from
being missed by the MCU.
Programmable Switch Register
Inputs SP0 to SP7 may be programmable for switch-to-
battery or switch-to-ground. These inputs types are defined
using the settings command (refer to Table 1). To set an SPn
input for switch-to-battery, a logic [1] for the appropriate bit must
be set. To set an SPn input for switch-to-ground, a logic [0] for
the appropriate bit must be set. The MCU may change or
update the Programmable Switch Register via software at any
time in Normal mode. Regardless of the setting, when the SPn
input switch is closed a logic [1] will be placed in the Serial
Output Response Register (refer to Table 12, page 17).
Table 1. Settings Command
Settings Command
Not used
Battery/Ground Select
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 X X X X X X X X sp7 sp6 sp5 sp4 sp3 sp2 sp1 sp0