MCF5213 Family Configurations
1.1.4 JTAG
The MCF5213 supports circuit board test strategies based on the Test Technology Committee of IEEE and the Joint Test Action
Group (JTAG). The test logic includes a test access port (TAP) consisting of a 16-state controller, an instruction register, and
three test registers (a 1-bit bypass register, a 256-bit boundary-scan register, and a 32-bit ID register). The boundary scan register
links the device’s pins into one shift register. Test logic, implemented using static logic design, is independent of the device
system logic.
The MCF5213 implementation can:
• Perform boundary-scan operations to test circuit board electrical continuity
• Sample MCF5213 system pins during operation and transparently shift out the result in the boundary scan register
• Bypass the MCF5213 for a given circuit board test by effectively reducing the boundary-scan register to a single bit
• Disable the output drive to pins during circuit-board testing
• Drive output pins to stable levels
1.1.5 On-Chip Memories SRAM
The dual-ported SRAM module provides a general-purpose 32-Kbyte memory block that the ColdFire core can access in a
single cycle. The location of the memory block can be set to any 32-Kbyte boundary within the 4-Gbyte address space. This
memory is ideal for storing critical code or data structures and for use as the system stack. Because the SRAM module is
physically connected to the processor's high-speed local bus, it can quickly service core-initiated accesses or
memory-referencing commands from the debug module.
The SRAM module is also accessible by the DMA. The dual-ported nature of the SRAM makes it ideal for implementing
applications with double-buffer schemes, where the processor and a DMA device operate in alternate regions of the SRAM to
maximize system performance. Flash Memory
The ColdFire flash module (CFM) is a non-volatile memory (NVM) module that connects to the processor’s high-speed local
bus. The CFM is constructed with four banks of 32-Kbyte×16-bit flash memory arrays to generate 256 Kbytes of 32-bit flash
memory. These electrically erasable and programmable arrays serve as non-volatile program and data memory. The flash
memory is ideal for program and data storage for single-chip applications, allowing for field reprogramming without requiring
an external high voltage source. The CFM interfaces to the ColdFire core through an optimized read-only memory controller
that supports interleaved accesses from the 2-cycle flash memory arrays. A backdoor mapping of the flash memory is used for
all program, erase, and verify operations, as well as providing a read datapath for the DMA. Flash memory may also be
programmed via the EzPort, which is a serial flash memory programming interface that allows the flash memory to be read,
erased and programmed by an external controller in a format compatible with most SPI bus flash memory chips.
1.1.6 Power Management
The MCF5213 incorporates several low-power modes of operation entered under program control and exited by several external
trigger events. An integrated power-on reset (POR) circuit monitors the input supply and forces an MCU reset as the supply
voltage rises. The low voltage detector (LVD) monitors the supply voltage and is configurable to force a reset or interrupt
condition if it falls below the LVD trip point. The RAM standby switch provides power to RAM when the supply voltage to the
chip falls below the standby battery voltage.
MCF5213 ColdFire Microcontroller, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor