The MCP73827 is a linear charge management con-
troller. Refer to the functional block diagram on page 2
and the typical application circuit, Figure 6-1.
4.1 Charge Qualification and
Upon insertion of a battery or application of an external
supply, the MCP73827 verifies the state of the SHDN
pin. The SHDN pin must be above the logic High level.
If the SHDN pin is above the logic High level, the
MCP73827 initiates a charge cycle. The charge status
output, MODE, is pulled low throughout throughout the
preconditioning and controlled current phases (see
Table 5-1 for charge status outputs). If the cell is below
the preconditioning threshold, 2.4V typically, the
MCP73827 preconditions the cell with a scaled back
current. The preconditioning current is set to approxi-
mately 43% of the fast charge peak current. The pre-
conditioning safely replenishes deeply depleted cells
and minimizes heat dissipation in the external pass
transistor during the initial charge cycle.
4.2 Controlled Current Regulation - Fast
Preconditioning ends and fast charging begins when
the cell voltage exceeds the preconditioning threshold.
Fast charge utilizes a foldback current scheme based
on the voltage at the VSNS input developed by the drop
across an external sense resistor, RSENSE, and the out-
put voltage, VBAT. Fast charge continues until the cell
voltage reaches the regulation voltage, VREG.
4.3 Constant Voltage Regulation
When the cell voltage reaches the regulation voltage,
VREG, constant voltage regulation begins. The
MCP73827 monitors the cell voltage at the VBAT pin.
This input is tied directly to the positive terminal of the
battery. The MCP73827 is offered in two fixed-voltage
versions for battery packs with either coke or graphite
anodes: 4.1V (MCP73827-4.1) and 4.2V
4.4 Charge Cycle Completion
The charge cycle can be terminated by a host micro-
controller when the output of the charge current moni-
tor, IMON, has diminished below approximately 10% of
the peak output voltage level. Alternatively, the transi-
tion of the charge status output, MODE, can be used to
initialize a timer to terminate the charge. The charge is
terminated by pulling the shutdown pin, SHDN, to a
logic Low Level.
© 2007 Microchip Technology Inc.
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