Functional Description
The simplified block diagram, shown in Figure 1,
illustrates the basic structure of the MICRF219 receiver.
It is made up of four sub-blocks:
• UHF Down-converter
• OOK Demodulator
• Reference and Control logic
• Auto-poll circuitry
Outside the device, the MICRF219 receiver requires just
three components to operate: two capacitors (CTH, and
CAGC) and the reference frequency device (usually a
quartz crystal). An additional five components are used
to improve performance; a power supply decoupling
capacitor, two components for the matching network,
and two components for the pre-selector band-pass
Receiver Operation
UHF Downconverter
The UHF down-converter has six components: LNA,
mixers, synthesizer, image reject filter, band pass filter
and IF amp.
The RF input signal is AC-coupled into the gate circuit of
the grounded source LNA input stage. The LNA is a
Cascoded NMOS amplifier. The amplified RF signal is
then fed to the RF ports of two double balanced mixers.
Mixers and Synthesizer
The LO ports of the Mixers are driven by quadrature
local oscillator outputs from the synthesizer block. The
local oscillator signal from the synthesizer is placed on
the low side of the desired RF signal to allow
suppression of the image frequency at twice the IF
frequency below the wanted signal. The local oscillator
is set to 32 times the crystal reference frequency via a
phase-locked loop synthesizer with a fully integrated
loop filter.
Image-Reject Filter and Band-Pass Filter
The IF ports of the mixer produce quadrature-down
converted IF signals. These IF signals are low-pass
filtered to remove higher frequency products prior to the
image reject filter where they are combined to reject the
image frequencies. The IF signal then passes through a
third order band pass filter. The IF center frequency is
1.2MHz. The IF BW is 330kHz @ 433.92MHz. This
varies with RF operating frequency.
The IF BW can be calculated via direct scaling:
BWIF = BWIF@433.92 MHz ×
⎜⎛ Operating Freq (MHz) ⎟⎞
These filters are fully integrated inside the MICRF219.
After filtering, four active gain controlled amplifier stages
enhance the IF signal to its proper level for
OOK Demodulator
The demodulator section is comprised of detector,
programmable low pass filter, slicer, and AGC
Detector and Programmable Low-Pass Filter
The demodulation starts with the detector removing the
carrier from the IF signal. Post detection, the signal
becomes base band information. The programmable
low-pass filter further enhances the baseband
information. There are four programmable low-pass
filter BW settings: 1625Hz, 3250Hz, 6500Hz, 13000Hz
for 433.92MHz operation. Low pass filter BW will vary
with RF Operating Frequency. Filter BW values can be
easily calculated by direct scaling. See equation below
for filter BW calculation:
BWOperating Freq = BW@433.92MHz*
⎜⎛ Operating Freq (MHz) ⎟⎞
It is very important to choose filter setting that fits best
the intended data rate to minimize data distortion.
Demod BW is set at 13000Hz @ 433.92MHz as default
(assuming both SEL0 and SEL1 pins are floating). The
low pass filter can be hardware set by external pins
SEL0 and SEL1.
Demod BW (@ 434MHz)
13000Hz - default
Table 1. Demodulation BW Selection
June 2011
(408) 944-0800