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M48T18-150PC View Datasheet(PDF) - STMicroelectronics

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M48T18-150PC Datasheet PDF : 73 Pages
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M48T08, M48T18
– SL1 = 41 yrs, SL2 = 11.4 yrs
– TT = 8760 hrs/yr
– TA1 = 8322 hrs/yr, TA2 = 438 hrs/yr
Predicted storage life
or 36 years.
Cell Capacity Life
The M48T08,18 internal cell has a rated capacity
of 50mAh. The device places a nominal RAM and
TIMEKEEPER load of less than 520nA at room
temperature. At this rate, the capacity consumption
life is 50E-3/520E-9 = 96,153 hours or about 11
years. Capacity consumption life can be extended
by applying VCC or turning off the clock oscillator
prior to system power down.
Calculating Capacity Life
The RAM and TIMEKEEPER load remains rela-
tively constant over the operating temperature
range. Thus, worst case cell capacity life is essen-
tially a function of one variable, VCC duty cycle. For
example, if the oscillator runs 100% of the time with
VCC applied 60% of the time, the capacity con-
sumption life is 10/(1-0.6), or 25 years.
Estimated System Life
Since either storage life or capacity consumption
can end the battery’s life, the system life is marked
by which ever occurs first. In the above example,
this would be 25 years.
Reference for System Life
Each M48T08,18 is marked with a nine digit manu-
facturing date code in the form of H99XXYYZZ. For
example, H995B9431 is:
H = fabricated in Carrollton, TX
9 = assembled in Muar, Malaysia,
9 = tested in Muar, Malaysia,
5B = lot designator,
9431 = assembled in the year 1994, work week 31.
Reading the Clock
Updates to the TIMEKEEPER registers should be
halted before clock data is read to prevent reading
data in transition. Because the BiPORT TIME-
KEEPER cells in the RAM array are only data
registers, and not the actual clock counters, updat-
ing the registers can be halted without disturbing
the clock itself.
Updating is halted when a ’1’ is written to the READ
bit, the seventh bit in the control register. As long as
a ’1’ remains in that position, updating is halted.
After a halt is issued, the registers reflect the count;
that is, the day, date, and the time that were current
at the moment the halt command was issued.
All of the TIMEKEEPER registers are updated si-
multaneously. A halt will not interrupt an update in
progress. Updating is within a second after the bit
is reset to a ’0’.
Setting the Clock
The eighth bit of the control register is the WRITE
bit. Setting the WRITE bit to a ’1’, like the READ bit,
halts updates to the TIMEKEEPER registers. The
user can then load them with the correct day, date,
and time data in 24 hour BCD format (see Table
10). Resetting the WRITE bit to a ’0’ then transfers
the values of all time registers (1FF9h-1FFFh) to
the actual TIMEKEEPER counters and allows nor-
mal operation to resume. The FT bit and the bits
marked as ’0’ in Table 10 must be written to ’0’ to
allow for normal TIMEKEEPER and RAM opera-
Stopping and Starting the Oscillator
The oscillator may be stopped at any time. If the
device is going to spend a significant amount of
time on the shelf, the oscillator can be turned off to
minimize current drain on the battery. The STOP bit
is the MSB of the seconds register. Settingit to a ’1’
stops the oscillator. The M48T08,18is shippedfrom
SGS-THOMSON with the STOP bit set to a ’1’.
When reset to a ’0’, the M48T08,18 oscillator starts
within 1 second.
Calibrating the Clock
The M48T08,18 is driven by a quartz controlled
oscillator with a nominal frequency of 32,768 Hz. A
typical M48T08,18 is accurate within ±1 minute per
month at 25°C without calibration. The devices are
tested not to exceed 35 PPM (parts per million)
oscillator frequency error at 25°C, which equates to
about ± 1.53 minutes per month. Of course the
oscillation rate of any crystal changes with tem-
perature. Figure 11 shows the frequency error that
can be expected at various temperatures. Most
clock chips compensate for crystal frequency and
temperature shift error with cumbersome trim ca-
pacitors. The M48T08,18 design, however, em-
ploys periodic counter correction. The calibration
circuit adds or subtracts counts from the oscillator
divider circuit at the divide by 128 stage, as shown
in Figure 10. The number of times pulses are
blanked (subtracted, negative calibration) or split
(added, positive calibration) depends upon the
value loaded into the five bit Calibration byte found
in the Control Register. Adding counts speeds the
clock up, subtracting counts slows the clock down.
The Calibration byte occupies the five lower order
bits in the Control register. This byte can be set to
represent any value between 0 and 31 in binary

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