Data Codes
Turning on the power starts a process which transmits all 0
data for 60 clock cycles (initialization). Also, if the flow of
data is interrupted, the remaining data or new data should
be transferred after re-initialization.
When DI and CLK are connected to the LC75821 and
other devices, the full initialization clock cycle is also sent
to these devices.
Design Notes
• A 1000pF or larger capacitor should be connected
between supply pins and VSS.
• A 2kΩ resistor should be connected in the CLK and DI
lines if the microcontroller transfers control signals
before the STK301-090 VDD supply stabilizes.
• Caution should be taken when handling the STK301-
090 because the internal CMOS LSIs are prone to dam-
age from static electricity.
• Refer to the LC7522 data sheet for specific details about
that device.
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