NXP Semiconductors
2-to-1 I2C-bus master selector with interrupt logic and reset
8. Functional description
Refer to Figure 1 “Block diagram of PCA9541A”.
8.1 Device address
Following a START condition, the upstream master that wants to control the I2C-bus or
make a status check must send the address of the slave it is accessing. The slave
address of the PCA9541A is shown in Figure 5. To conserve power, no internal pull-up
resistors are incorporated on the hardware selectable pins and they must be pulled HIGH
or LOW.
1 1 1 A3 A2 A1 A0 R/W
Fig 5. Slave address
The last bit of the slave address defines the operation to be performed. When set to
logic 1 a read is selected, while logic 0 selects a write operation.
Remark: Reserved I2C-bus addresses must be used with caution since they can interfere
• ‘reserved for future use’ I2C-bus addresses (1111 1XX)
• slave devices that use the 10-bit addressing scheme (1111 0XX)
8.2 Command Code
Following the successful acknowledgement of the slave address, the bus master will send
a byte to the PCA9541A, which will be stored in the Command Code register.
0 0 0 AI 0 0 B1 B0
register number
Fig 6. Command Code
The 2 LSBs are used as a pointer to determine which register will be accessed.
If the auto-increment flag is set (AI = 1), the two least significant bits of the Command
Code are automatically incremented after a byte has been read or written. This allows the
user to program the registers sequentially or to read them sequentially.
• During a read operation, the contents of these bits will roll over to 00b after the last
allowed register is accessed (10b).
Product data sheet
Rev. 03 — 16 July 2009
© NXP B.V. 2009. All rights reserved.
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