2.5 Read Only Memory (ROM) Devices
Microchip offers masked ROM versions of several of
the highest volume parts, thus giving customers a low
cost option for high volume, mature products.
ROM devices do not allow serialization information in
the program memory space.
For information on submitting ROM code, please con-
tact your regional sales office.
Note: Presently, NO ROM versions of the
PIC17C7XX devices are available.
2.6 Flash Memory Devices
These devices are electrically erasable and, therefore,
can be offered in the low cost plastic package. Being
electrically erasable, these devices can be erased and
reprogrammed in-circuit. These devices are the same
for prototype development, pilot programs, as well as
Note: Presently, NO Flash versions of the
PIC17C7XX devices are available.
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© 1998 Microchip Technology Inc.