Erase Setup Erase Confirm
Erase is executed one block at a time initiated by a
two-cycle command sequence An Erase Setup
command (20H) is first written to the Command User
Interface followed by the Erase Confirm command
(D0H) These commands require both appropriate
sequencing and an address within the block to be
erased to FFH Block preconditioning erase and
verify are all handled internally by the Write State
Machine invisible to the system After the two-com-
mand erase sequence is written to it the VE28F008
automatically outputs Status Register data when
read (see Figure 6 Block Erase Flowchart) The
CPU can detect the completion of the erase event
by analyzing the output of the RY BY pin or the
WSM Status bit of the Status Register
When erase is completed the Erase Status bit
should be checked If erase error is detected the
Status Register should be cleared The Command
User Interface remains in Read Status Register
mode until further commands are issued to it
This two-step sequence of set-up followed by execu-
tion ensures that memory contents are not acciden-
tally erased Also reliable block erasure can only
occur when VPP e VPPH In the absence of this high
voltage memory contents are protected against era-
sure If block erase is attempted while VPP e VPPL
the VPP Status bit will be set to ‘‘1’’ Erase attempts
while VPPL k VPP k VPPH produce spurious results
and should not be attempted
Erase Suspend Erase Resume
The Erase Suspend command allows block erase
interruption in order to read data from another block
of memory Once the erase process starts writing
the Erase Suspend command (B0H) to the Com-
mand User Interface requests that the WSM sus-
pend the erase sequence at a predetermined point
in the erase algorithm The VE28F008 continues to
output Status Register data when read after the
Erase Suspend command is written to it Polling the
WSM status and Erase Suspend status bits will de-
termine when the erase operation has been sus-
pended (both will be set to ‘‘1’’) RY BY will also
transition to VOH
At this point a Read Array command can be written
to the Command User Interface to read data from
blocks other than that which is suspended The only
other valid commands at this time are Read Status
Register (70H) and Erase Resume (D0H) at which
time the WSM will continue with the erase process
The Erase Suspend status and WSM status bits of
the Status Register will be automatically cleared and
RY BY will return to VOL After the Erase Resume
command is written to it the VE28F008 automatical-
ly outputs Status Register data when read (see Fig-
ure 7 Erase Suspend Resume Flowchart) VPP
must remain at VPPH while the VE28F008 is in Erase
Byte Write Setup Write Commands
Byte write is executed by a two-command sequence
The Byte Write Setup command (40H) is written to
the Command User Interface followed by a second
write specifying the address and data (latched on
the rising edge of WE) to be written The WSM then
takes over controlling the byte write and write verify
algorithms internally After the two-command byte
write sequence is written to it the VE28F008 auto-
matically outputs Status Register data when read
(see Figure 5 Byte Write Flowchart) The CPU can
detect the completion of the byte write event by ana-
lyzing the output of the RY BY pin or the WSM
status bit of the Status Register Only the Read
Status Register command is valid while byte write is
When byte write is complete the Byte Write status
bit should be checked If byte write error is detected
the Status Register should be cleared The internal
WSM verify only detects errors for ‘‘1’’s that do not
successfully write to ‘‘0’’s The Command User In-
terface remains in Read Status Register mode until
further commands are issued to it If byte write is
attempted while VPP e VPPL the VPP Status bit will
be set to ‘‘1’’ Byte write attempts while
produce spurious results and should not be attempt-