The M80287 Numeric Processor Extension (NPX)
provides arithmetic instructions for a variety of nu-
meric data types in M80286 20 systems It also exe-
cutes numerous built-in transcendental functions
(e g tangent and log functions) The M80287 exe-
cutes instructions in parallel with an M80286 It ef-
fectively extends the register and instruction set of
an M80286 10 system for existing M80286 data
types and adds several new data types as well Fig-
ure 3 presents the program visible register model of
the M80286 20 Essentially the M80287 can be
treated as an additional resource or an extension to
the M80286 10 that can be used as a single unified
system the M80286 20
The M80287 has two operating modes similar to the
two modes of the M80286 when reset M80287 is in
the real address mode It can be placed in the pro-
tected virtual address mode by executing the
SETPM ESC instruction The M80287 cannot be
switched back to the real address mode except by
reset In the real address mode the M80286 20 is
completely software compatible with M8086 88 20
Once in protected mode all references to memory
for numerics data or status information obey the
M80286 memory management and protection rules
giving a fully protected extension of the M80286
CPU In the protected mode M80286 20 numerics
software is also completely compatible with
M8086 20 and M8088 20
The M80287 has two operating modes similar to the
two modes of the M80286 When reset M80287 is
in the real address mode It can be placed in the
protected virtual address mode by executing the
SETPM ESC instruction The M80287 cannot be
switched back to the real address mode except by
reset In the real address mode the
M80286 M80287 is completely software compatible
with M8086 M8087 and M8088 M8087
Once in protected mode all references to memory
for numerics data or status information obey the
M80286 memory management and protection rules
giving a fully protected extension of the M80286
CPU In the protected mode M80286 M80287 nu-
merics software is also completely compatible with
M8086 M8087 and M8088 M8087
Figure 3 M80286 20 Architecture
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