Functional Pin Description
VID4 (Pin 1), VID3 (Pin 2), VID2 (Pin 3), VID1 (Pin 4),
VID0 (Pin 5) & VID125 (Pin 6)
DAC voltage identification inputs for VRD10.x. These pins
are internally pulled to 1.2V if left open.
SGND (Pin 7)
VCORE differential sense negative input.
FB (Pin 8)
Inverting input of the internal error amplifier.
COMP (Pin 9)
Output of the error amplifier and input of the PWM
PGOOD (Pin 10)
Power good open-drain output.
DVD (Pin 11)
Programmable power UVLO detection input. Trip threshold
= 1.2V at VDVD rising.
SS (Pin 12)
Connect this SS pin to GND with a capacitor to set the
soft-start time interval. Pulling this pin below 1V (ramp
valley of sawtooth wave in pulse width modulator) would
make all PWMs low, turn on low side MOSFETs, and turn
off high side MOSFETs.
RT (Pin 13)
Switching frequency setting. Connect this pin to GND with
a resistor to set the frequency.
VOSS (Pin 14)
VCORE initial value offset. Connect this pin to GND with a
resistor to set the negative offset value. Connect this pin
to VCC to set positive offset value.
IMAX (Pin 15)
Programmable over currert setting.
CSN (Pin 16)
Current sense negative input of all channels.
NC (Pin 17)
No Connection.
ADJ (Pin 18)
Current sense output for active droop adjust. Connect a
resistor from this pin to GND to set the load droop.
GND (Pin 19)
Ground for the IC.
CSP1 (Pin 20), CSP2 (Pin 22), CSP3 (Pin 21) & CSP4
(Pin 23)
Current sense positive inputs for individual converter
channel current sense.
PWM1 (Pin 27), PWM2 (Pin 26), PWM3 (Pin 25) &
PWM4 (Pin 24)
PWM outputs for each driven channel. Connect these pins
to the PWM input of the MOSFET driver. For systems
which use 3 channels, connect PWM4 high. Two channel
systems connect PWM3 high.
VCC (Pin 28)
IC power supply. Connect this pin to a 5V supply.
DS9245-06 March 2007